How to fight the storms of life?

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Avatar for Saadullah
3 years ago
Topics: Life

Part 3..

Allah introduces himself in place in the Quran as Rahman(mercy), Rahim(Kind) and Karim(doer) . The god who is extremely kind to his servants is far from the enjoyment of it to cause us suffering and hardship without any wisdom and reformer, surely within all of them we are inthe insure.

Every problem is solvable=

Just as each problem has one or more possibilities, there are at least one or more solutions to each problem. Provided that one may try to solve it through his wisdom and not to think it is unsolvable, because there is no problem in this world except the problem which is understood as a solution.

The Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم (peace be upon him) said..

لکل داء دواء.

'Every disease is a medicine'.

(Sahih Muslim, subject لکل داء دواء., 4:1769, No. 2204)

ALLAH who has produced some medicine for every disease has also created some solution to every problem. Understand that the problem in this world is both Problem and Solution are twins. Where the problem is there is a solution. Even if there is no solution to a problem, waiting there is a solution.

The Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم (peace be upon him) said..

افضل العبادة انتظار الفرج.

"Best worship awaits openness".

Sinan Tarmmi, subject, انتظار الفرج. , 5:565, number: 3571)

After all, what are so many prizes promised for patience and so many dozens of being placed? So whenever the immediate solution to a problem is not understood, put it in the waiting room and then see how that problem is solved.

according to poet Altaf Hussain Haali,

Night days are the earth and the aasma in circulation

Will be somehow afraid.

Just as it is a task to walk, it is also a task to stop. Wise is he who knoweth the wisdom that in certain circumstances it is to be followed that man should not act but only wait. Now it is for our intellects and wisdom to decide where and when to step in and when to wait.

Problem Solving Ability=

Allaah said, "In the Quran, he has a universal code of his own."

لَا يُکَلِّفُ اﷲُ نَفْسًا اِلَّا وُسْعَهَا.

"Allah does not hurt a soul more than his power."

(Al Bakra verse 286)

A child who can carry up to ten kilos will never be told by his father to carry twenty kilos. Mother loves children more than father, and more love for mother is with us the creator and owner who has created love for us in the hearts of the mothers. When it is decided that in this universe, without the will of Allah, there is no way of a address And it is also decided that the self of Allaah is very loving to us, so how can it be that we may have a problem beyond our capacity to solve. If we consider ourselves to be failing to solve our problems, the fault is our own that we have not used our capabilities properly to solve problemsAnd it is also decided that the self of Allaah is very loving to us, so how can it be that we may have a problem beyond our capacity to solve. If we consider ourselves to be failing to solve our problems, the fault is our own that we have not used our capabilities properly to solve problems. It is one thing to own the potential and to put it to use is another.

If we had looked into our hearts till today, we would have found out what amazing abilities, energy and capabilities the maker has kept within us, whose inuse is making them look like a sing-and-die world. He says: I have placed the crown of my caliphate and newness upon your head, and destroyed the whole universe for you. It is essential that all these awards are not collected in a human being with power, but also have given man the powers and abilities to defile the universe. He wants to see us dominant. Sadly, we are being overcome. He wants to see us victorious but we are free. The Quran says that Allah has kept his light lamp in us. ALLAH said in the Quran..

وَنَفَخْتُ فِيْهِ مِنْ رُّوْحِيْ.

"And let your soul blow in this drink (inner of the human being)".

(Al-Hajar: 29)

When the situation is there, it means that some image of its powers and powers should be displayed in us. According to Iqbal

Why is there no flow in thy river?

Why is not yourselves your Muslims?

The Abet is the Destiny of the World

Why is it not de stiny?

For this purpose, first we must recognize us by blinking in our own heart, so that we may be familiar with our powers and position and position and belief. Hakim al-Ummat Mufti Ahmed Yaar Khan Naeemi says:

May the power of Lim Yazal be a great power.

Be sure, O unto you, that the lord is overcome.

At another point, they say:

Saat Kishore, from whom I am a tattaqah,

If you understand, you have the same mother.

The fact is that we have made a very light estimate of our position and position. Words otherwise we have underestimated. Allaah has made man a tool of the bars of this colourful universe, and this whole bism is adorned for us and it has been destroyed for us. But our present is that we are overcome with our inner perceptions and consider everything impossible for us. Although the word impossible is only part of the dictionary of fools. No work is impossible for brave people. Dr Napoleon Hill, who has studied human abilities for years, says.

"If you think you can or you cannot you are right."

That means that if a man understands that I can do such things, he will do it and if he understands mentally that I cannot do it, he will not really be able to do it. In both cases, the outcome depends on his thinking. Pointing to this, the famous English apostalliman Bernard Shah said:

The whole drama of life is mental drama. Every difficult ye is difficult."

So get out of the negative, low and desperate thoughts. Recognize ye and proceed with the perfect faith. The greats of the universe are so much more than a great way to have the nomens to you and are ready to solve problems.

(to be Continue)

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Avatar for Saadullah
3 years ago
Topics: Life
