Single in your twenties; )

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3 years ago

To the ones who are single in your 20s,

Maybe, right now you are supposed to be in a relationship with no one but yourself. Maybe right now you are supposed to travel to unknown places, make conversations with strangers, and eat a meal for two without sharing your fries with anyone.

The past two decades of your life were the preparatory classes for the real deal that 20s will throw at you. You will find yourself, lose it again, and then find something new. Searching for someone for validation will slow you down. But if it comes at your door knocking, don't reason-zone them.

Being alone and being lonely are not the intersection of the Venn diagram called life. If you are comfortable spending time with yourself, you are prepared for a good number of uncertainties in your life ahead. A lack of one relationship will give you time to strengthen others.

Do things at your schedule without feeling like a burden or inconvenience to someone else. Stop feeling bad for putting yourself before others. Enjoy the new music with friends, bake for your siblings, and get on a long call with your mother.

You can be single with a lot of romance in your life.

Being single is okay if you are okay.

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