The Near-Death experienced

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2 years ago

Chapter 1

There is a general assumption in modern Western society that death is final.

In the Republic,recounts the story of a Greek soldier killed in the battle, whose body revived twelve days later on the funeral pyre.

To the surprise of all present person,he described the journey his soul had taken until ordered to return.

In the many centuries of medieval literature,Christian "OTHERWORLD" accounts abound. And this is the example:

A devout Northumbrian man who died one night after a severe illness. To the amazement of all those weeping around the body, he revived suddenly the next day.

He reassured his wife: "Do not be afraid, for I have indeed risen from death which held me in its bonds, and I have been permitted to live again amongst mankind; Nevertheless after this I must not to lived as I used to, but in a very different way.....

His own examination of near-death experiences, the core experience unfolds in the stages, with the earlier stages being a far more commont than the latter. The stages are:

  • Peace and the sense of well-being

  • Body separation: leaving the body

  • Entering the darkness

  • Seeing the light

  • Entering the light

So, what is this phenomenon? How is it described by the near-death experiencer themselves?

To be continue tomorrow

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2 years ago
