Aug 1, 2021 BCH is down 4.04% at the moment I write this, currently residing at $534.47. We’ve come a long way. Adaptation is the key ingredient to future growth. It’s an exciting time for BCH holders when you are down 4 points and still satisfied with the current results. Well, I’ve got some even better news for you! The world is going to adapt to BCH. The government of each country attempting to implement or regulate the cryptocurrency will ultimately only provide more strength and power to BCH. The reason the regulation is beginning is they see the potential future of the American Dollar decline. I want you to take a $1 bill USD and put it in your left hand. Now, take a $100 bill USD and put it in your right hand. Do you know what the difference is? Perception. Try explaining that to the clerk when you are getting your groceries or gas.
When I first heard of Bitcoin, many years ago- my best friend and I laughed and joked about it. We called it,” Monopoly money “ and other slanderous names. Guess what? The one buddy we had that tried to convince us to buy it got rich beyond our wildest imagination and has a net worth currently of over $9 million by the age of 34. You see, when bitcoin was first born the reason I was so against it was very simple, I couldn’t use it to buy gas, groceries, or life’s other pleasures. Another main reason I was initially against it was that my first thoughts about a crypto currency were that it is a direct threat to the United States federal reserve ( which is a private corporation I might add ) The last president who tried to change the way our currency system worked got a bullet to the back of his head. Fast forward to 2021. The world has evolved.
The only thing certain in life is change, death, and taxes. BCH is that change we have been searching for. Part of the reason BTC success happened to begin with I believe was because the currency was introduced and gaining popularity in a transition election year in the USA, you know, “ Hillary Vs. Donald “Our government was asleep at the wheel while BTC was gaining popularity and traction. Our currency is changing. The American dollar no longer means what it used to when it was backed by gold. Now, the only thing the American dollar is backed by is perception. China attempting to regulate the currency, and the United States only acknowledge how real the currency is and they are afraid of the growth of what BCH is destined to become. The future currency of the world. I hope it stays around the same price it is right now, I want to purchase a lot more before the next spike happens. Adaptation is coming.
More and more people will begin buying, selling, and holding BCH. Over 10% of the American population this year has made a crypto purchase. Wait and see what happens when the other 90% become involved. We will all prosper immensely. Now is the time to buy and hold. You’ll thank me later that you did. Last time I learned the hard way when my best friend is worth $9 million and BCH is now his current advice for to me to make up for it and not to miss the next ride. Buckle up. We are already at the point now where you can use BCH to purchase your groceries and gas. Big Gov’t stepping in and trying to figure out BCH what it is, how it works, and who has it and there only solution is going to be to try to figure out a way to tax it! That means it’s going to skyrocket. Look at the major players in the game who are now involved. Cash App, Venmo, and PayPal are all in on crypto. Than you have major corporations such as Starbucks, Nordstrom, and Whole Foods now accept crypto. More will soon follow causing the price to rise.
Do you mean adaptation or adoption?