The World & Crypto #11

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3 years ago

The World & Crypto with Rutkowski Edition #11

February 3, 2021

Announcement: I am looking for some who can draw really good, on the computer. I need a logo, I want an image the title "The World & Crypto with Rutkowski" in a unique creative way. I will use this image across all of my social platforms and I will be giving away $5 in BCH along with $5 of HOT

I know $10 of crypto isn't a whole lot of money, but I don't honestly make a whole lot of money blogging, I don't make anything across my social media platforms, you will get credit which could land yourself more freelancing work. You can either post the images tagging me on or you can submit the images to me on twitter Crypto_Crash

Stimulus Talks for USA

The twitter trend #BidenLied is trending on twitter right now in an effort to pressure President Biden into honoring his original promises of giving away $2,000.00 stimulus check to Americans once he took office on January 20, 2021 at 11:45 a.m. President Biden had stated on multiple occasions that he would be presenting the legislation once he took office because $600.00 is just not enough.

While President Biden was and still is correct, $600.00 is just not enough, especially when already struggling families now have the burden of increased utilities, and also have to face even higher gas prices. That isn't all, with minimum wage set to go up to $15 USD per hour, we will see a likewise increase in the cost of everything in the United States as companies will be forced to pass the cost of labor on just like it always has.

Provided talks hold up, Americans may see a Stimulus Package in the range of $600 to 1,400.00 I wouldn't hold out hope for the $2,000.00 but with the coming stock market crash ultimately a whole lot of printing will be taking place on a larger scale than we seen with the Wall Street bail outs before. This is all terrible news for the USD, but as for Bitcoin and the crypto world? We are welcoming the crash.

BTC: Currently around $36,200 I have been watching Bitcoin closely the last 3 hours and we appear to be stuck in a upward triangle that'll take us to $36,800 Once we hit around that level we should see our next leg up to the $37K to $38K now that is dependent upon Mining companies such as F2Pool not dumping the price back down which has been happening for the last couple of weeks.

The demand for Bitcoin despite the price charts at the current moment is overwhelming and growing rapidly despite what speculators may think. Elon Musk last Thursday posted the #Bitcoin on twitter, the price of Bitcoin raised at the same time miners dumped 10,000 BTC into the market. That is why we have be stomped out at $42K and it appears that miners are slowing down on dumping to allow Bitcoin to grow even more.

BCH: is currently above $434.00 and continuing to rise on a upward trend, hopefully we brake the $500 barrier within the next couple of days and work on the $600 barrier for a week before we see a rally like ETH

ETH has passed it's all time high yet again, $1,574.00 according to coinbase and is currently trading at $1,547 I typically don't make predictions on ETH as I don't study the charts as closely as I do BTC and BCH but just a quick glance at the chart gave me a quick indication that we could see $2,500 ETH over the next 72 hours. Take that with a grain of salt, but it very well could happen.

My Final Thoughts

I love Crypto, I really do, I have been passionate about crypto for many years now, and I am honestly just thankful that I could be here at the beginning of crypto revolutionizing the way our World's economies actually work, replacing the traditional fiat systems and making millionaires and even billionaires out of small people in the world that will ultimately drive innovation beyond belief of corporate ideology.

We have a lot of people whom deserve credit for inspiring innovation across the spectrum, ultimately, Satoshi, whom ever he is, deserves the most credit for publishing the white paper on Bitcoin. Satoshi alone brought the idea that many had thought of already to light and without Satoshi, I would probably still be living a rather boring life in the world of internet marketing and freelancing online.

I have had a dream that started over 20 years ago now, and that dream is that no matter how smart or uneducated a person may be, if you give him/her a computer and teach them to read/write and work a web browser, they too can become financially independent. The cost of starting companies, building prototypes heavily limits the abilities of people like myself from ever being able to materialize any billion dollar thoughts.

The creation and adoption of the World Wide Web has enabled anyone to become rich, make a decent living or even some side income online for just a little bit of work. The best part is, no matter what Niche you are into, you can almost certainly make a profit with it online. This ability alone has allowed me to always have a means of making money. Admittedly in my younger years, I was more so content with running wild and getting into trouble with friends instead of focusing on the future and doing anything to benefit humanity.

I enjoy crypto, I don't do what I do to get rich, although that is inevitable in this field for people like us, I know it will happen eventually, when it does, I just hope that I will be able to make an impact on the world while motivating others to walk a similar path.

Thanks for reading, God Bless You, Stay Healthy!

I hope to see some designs, I want to pick on to use before Friday!

$ 14.09
$ 13.73 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.33 from @Raye
$ 0.02 from @Snezana28
+ 1
Sponsors of Rutkowski
Avatar for Rutkowski
3 years ago


Hmm, you miss XRP in your review!

I do not draw good. If you not find, maybe fiverr and there are also logo generating websites, maybe not so unique bug could be an idea to develope.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ive been using also bitcoin.If i invest in the past maybe i earn also

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Do you know, in the future, people will do everything with crypto systems. Does this system connect one business with another type of business. In fact, if only we had trusted crypto. There is a hope that social media in the world will, in any form, change the social media system into a crypto system

$ 0.00
3 years ago

we all have missed bitcoin mining time

$ 0.00
3 years ago

How i earn bch like u?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great post

$ 0.00
3 years ago