World Civilization

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3 years ago

In the age of civilization, people have improved in agriculture. At this time people are soil

They keep crops in pots, cultivate with plows and oil wheeled carts and sails

The boat has started to sail. This civilized age has again been divided into two parts.

Ancient Civilization


Modern civilization

A. Ancient Civilization Age: The age of the spread of human art, literature and culture.

B. Modern Civilization: This is the age of modern science, the beginning of which

It happened in 172 AD with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England. Louis Henry Morgan 18

During the publication of his famous book 'Ancient Society' in the modern civilization

Mention the names of some inventions and discoveries. Eg telegraph, coal gas,

Power gas, power loom, steam engine, railway, telescope, compass instrument etc.

Thus L. H. Morgan savagery and barbarism in the development of human society and culture

He explained the evolution of human society up to the beginning of civilization. His

From this explanation it can be said that at every stage of the process of discovery and

Innovation has made the trend of evolution dynamic.

Through proper review, Morgan felt that human life was a helpless one

Has advanced from stage to stage of civilization. A few intermediate levels on the way to this passage

Had to overcome. The more civilized a person is, the more complicated his life will be

Reaching and day by day people are moving from loneliness to diversity.

But many have criticized Morgan's doctrine. Despite the criticism, this thought.

The genre will survive as an influential aspect in the development of human culture.

2.3 Introduction to the Stone Age Division and various cultural monuments

Division of Lithic Ages and Identity of Different

Cultural Instances

Archaeologists are still struggling to gather enough evidence before reaching the final conclusions about how to hunt.

He showed by sharing - in what condition the people of the time have lived. That is

An attempt to portray the life of the people of the past on the basis of the superiority of the tool.

Got it. Archaeologists believe that the discovery of historical materials in human society

Goes into the tools they make. What tools do people of a particular era have in the corner,

From the use of machinery and weapons, the thoughts, ideas, ideas of the people of that era,

Much can be learned about the structure of society and the way of life.

The evolution of the tools used by primitive people and of cultural excellence

Archaeologists have divided the Stone Age into four stages

Does; E.g .:

1. Eolithic or Usha Stone Age,

2. Paleolithic or Paleolithic,

3. Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age

4. Neolithic or Neolithic Age.

Dedicated to a number in Western Europe for more than a century and a half

Archaeologists, archaeologists and anthropologists are interested in the person, in exchange for encouragement and

Archaeological excavations have uncovered fossils, stone and other metal tools and

A pair of small pieces of materials create a picture of ancient human life

Has been possible. From it emerges many unknown histories of prehistoric times

Got up That is the description of the way of life and life of those ancient prehistoric people

We need to know his identity.

Prehistoric era

Pre-Stone Age or Usha Age

(Eolithic age)

Stone Age.

(Lithic / Stone age)

Ancient Stone Age

(Paleolithic age)

Middle Stone Age

(Mesolithic age)

Neolithic age

(Neolithic age)

Ancient Stone Age

ower Paleolithic age)

Middle Stone Age

(Lower Paleolithic age)

High Ancient Stone Age

(Upper Paleolithic age)


Stone Age culture, based on information and descriptions obtained by archaeologists

Attempts at social history and ethnographic review are highlighted below:

1. Eolithic age or Usha Stone Age: geologists everywhere,

Historians and archaeologists are one of the earliest of the lower Stone Age

Mentioned the age which is called Usha Stone Age or Pre Stone Age. A.

There is no recognition of human craftsmanship in the stone tools of the time. Obese and

Roughly broken stones are considered as tools.

Historically, there was a time called Usha Stone Age.

And archaeologists are skeptical. The famous historian H. E. Burns (H. E.

Burns) in his book A Survey of Western Civilization

That is, if the prehistoric or dawn era in the true sense of the word is from any time history

It started in about one million BC and started in about three million BC

The ending happens. In the opinion of giving evidence about the society and culture of this era

No historical data or archaeological evidence was found. Usha Stone Age

The tools are undoubtedly considered to be completely natural. At this time

The tools available are mainly made of gravel. These are pebbles

Many also believe that it was created naturally. Usha Stone Age

The social and religious life of the people is economic activities, animal husbandry, hunting, fire

Finding clear evidence about the discovery, the existence of social organizations, etc.

Didn't go. Among the people of this age, Peking and Javamanab are noteworthy. To the dawn

It is called the initial stage of human excellence.

2. Paleolithic age: Archaeologists

According to, during that period of prehistoric times people based on tools made of stone

Tomorrow is called the ancient Stone Age. Greek

The word 'Palaious' means ancient and 'Lithas' means stone

The word Palaeotithic has its origin. So in the etymological sense it looks ancient

Stone-based society is the name of the Palaeolithic or ancient Stone Age famous historians

Zeus said of the ancient Stone Age, "The first and oldest of the primitive

cultures which devised and used stone implements is called the stone

age. "That is, the first and most ancient primitive culture that was built of stone

The use of tools that developed the center is called the Ancient Stone Age. Ancient width

The era of is the longest era in human history. The period of this age is three lakhs BC

Years to ten thousand years BC. South Africa, England, Belgium,

In Italy, Palestine etc.

Notable among the people of the age were Neanderthals, Heidelberg and Cro-Magnon.

People. The people of this age collect food and protect themselves from the attack of wild animals.

For the use of multiple deformed uneven, coarse stone tools made of stone.

The people of this era were food gatherers and nomadic nature of human civilization

The first foundations were laid in the Stone Age.

Again, the ancient Stone Age is based on stone and tool making techniques

Divided into periodic periods; E.g .:

A. The lower stages of the ancient Stone Age;

B. The Middle Stone Age and

C. The higher stage of the ancient Stone Age.

Lower Paleolithic: The first ice age twenty to one million years ago

The beginning is the beginning of the Stone Age and the third inter about a million years ago

Its duration is considered to be up to the ice age.

The ancient Stone Age in Western Europe depends on the information obtained

Culture Hand-ax tradition and layered stone tradition

(Flake tradition) is divided into two parts. It is pertinent to mention that, a

The tradition of hand axing at the level of Chilean or Abelian and Achilian culture of the time

And the ‘layered stone tradition’ predominates at the level of Klaktonian and levellized cultures.


At the primary level, the hand ax was the main tool. Hands in French

The ax is called Coup-de-poing. Which means well

Injury, foot 'means fist in French. Such fists in English

The tool is called (Hand-ax). In Bengali he is called hand ax.

In the very early stages of the Old Stone Age, tools were made in stone

Knocking. But was later seen to gain tool-making skills. Because

Then he was able to make a tool by falling off a rocky mountain. Such a tool

The name is Flake tools. Layer stone tool found

Went to Europe and northern Eurasia during the Ice Age. Laying stones again

Patterns of core-tools have been found after taking

In all regions of Africa, in Western Europe and in South India. As is commonly seen,

Flint has been chosen to make tools all over the world. Flint

The stone is easier to make than other wings. Because it is easily broken

Was to go and stream.

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3 years ago
