What is law?

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3 years ago

Literally, the word ‘law’ is a Persian word, which in English is called Law. The origin of the word law is tucclic

From the word Lag. Lag means stable and equally applicable. That is to say, the origin of the word Law

purpose of the society.

By which

4.2 Definition of law

definition of Law

In general, jai refers to a set of rules adopted by the state and society,

The behavior of the people living there is controlled and that applies equally to all.


Its character lies within. These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use.

Definition of Evidence: Different political scientists have defined law in different ways. Below are a few of them


Professor Green, while defining the law, said, “Law is a kind of right

Obligation, which the state enforces.

Renowned jurist John Austin said, "Law is an order given to a subordinate by a superior.

According to Professor Holland, “the law is the regulation of the outward behavior of man, which is sovereign.

It is enforced by the authorities. ” (Law is a general rule of external human action enforced by the

sovereign political authority.)

In the words of Gray, a prominent American lawyer, "Law is composed of the rules which the rules the

courts lay down for the determination of legal rights and duties. "

Professor Salmond said, "Laws are laws that are recognized and applied by the state to establish justice."

In the words of Aristotle, “the law is a set of rules governing the way of life of the subjects, which

It is enforced by the government. ”

According to Keaton, a law expert, “Laws are some of the codes of conduct that are enacted by the sovereign and their

The aim is to establish justice. ”

Barker said: "The law can only be called standard law if it is recognized, enacted and technologically recognized by the state.

. According to him, the law must have legitimacy and patriarchal value. ”

According to Prof. Gettell, “The rules that the state creates, accepts and enforces

So it is only considered as law. ”

Woodraw Wilson, former US president and political scientist

Provided an acceptable and universal explanation. According to him, “Law is the established thought and practice of man

The part that gets formal recognition in the form of general rules and behind which is the support of the authority and power of the government. "

(Law is that portion of the established thought and habit which has gained district and formal

recognition in the shape of uniform rules backed by the authority and power of government.)

In conclusion, the law is generally accepted by the state and recognized by the society for the overall welfare of the people.

Essential to some is the set of rules that govern the behavior of everyone in the state.

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3 years ago
