Eros Love

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4 years ago

Eros love is a kind of love associated with deep feeling of sexual desire, it is also known as romantic love. Eros is derived from the name of mythological greek god of love.

Eros love is shown by admiring physical body, physical touch, such as caressing, kissing, hugging and and sexual affection. It is our body that is involved that enhances our experience with this type of love. Eros love strenghten the attachment on partner and it allows relationship to grow stronger. It motivates, inspires and provide mutual pleasure and satisfaction. When we are in love, our brain is flooded with biochemicals that help us experience the pleasure of love to the fullest.

Erotic love can be broken down into three categories these are: attraction, lust and attachment. When we are romantically attracted to a person our brain releases dopamine this hormone makes us feel euphoria, that is why when we see the one we are attracted to we feel so happy. Testoterone and estrogen are hormones produced by our body that make us feel lust after our partner. Oxytocin is release during sexual intercourse, this hormones play a very important role of keeping partners attach romantically with each other.

Love makes us happy, healthy and makes our life worth living. Don't stop loving her/him keep your love burning, activate those love chemicals on her/his brain and stay in love.

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4 years ago