Moonlit Night

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Avatar for Rubayet60
3 years ago

A night enlightened by moonbeams is called a moonlit night. It is a thing of beauty and joy. So, it is really charming and enjoyable. In a moonlit night, the moon casts a soft silver rayon every object of nature like rivers, trees, buildings, mountains, fields, and whatnot. The watery places like canals, rivers, and tanks seem to smile on a moonlit night. The beauty is surely unspeakable. The whole of nature looks bright and appears in the celestial light. People of all ages enjoy a moonlit night. Young boys play while little boys and girls make merriment and amuse themselves on this night. It is very highly desired by a newly married couple. Men and women of middle ages pass some hours in gossiping and storytelling and enjoy the night. Poets of all languages have sung highly on a moonlit night. It reminds us of the beauty of the creation and the Creator. It is really a great blessing of the Creator to men and nature.

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3 years ago

thanx..i sub you back 🤝

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3 years ago