A shorter post than usual. Feel free to tip if you agree.
Writing is a form of art. Art is usually seen as a canvas or a type of lesson everyone learns. In this case, writing is art. Writing requires people to learn about how to write, and writing is hard work. People write all the time yet only a few are managed to create wonderful writing pieces, may it be a novel or a scientific article. It takes skill and time to produce something even remotely as great as Tolkien in worldbuilding and character development.
This can also work with writing a program. Remember that every programming language has a specific syntax to every possible way to do things, may it be as simple as money conversion or as complex as a game.
Writing is an art because it is a way of growing towards a better self. You don't immediately become good at writing until you have written articles that will suit the styles of a select few that everyone can enjoy nonetheless.
Scripts can also be considered art. A scriptwriter for a movie pitch in what the movie's actors should do, how they react, and how things were supposed to be in. However, not all scripts are liked by the community, and so people have taken their time writing a good one that both the Director and the Actors like.
Writing is art, and therefore you can earn something from it. You can train your writing through various means, but being incentivized by being paid is one way to call for writing.
@Read.Cash had good intentions with the points system and therefore had an incentive to write. But quality beats quantity, and therefore only those who wanted to try remain.
Writing is an art because you pour your heart into your writing for others to appreciate it.
I quite agree with you that writing is art. It requires tenacity and dedication to master the art. And those who have mastered the art rules the world