Allowed Myself
Hi readcashers, how have you been? It's been days since I last posted my article.
I'm sitting on our balcony. I could hear noises from the flowing water in the river, barking dogs, sugar mills, and others. These made me believe that it's really evening already.
Hmmm. Why is my caption "Allowed Myself"? Any idea? I don't have other titles to choose from so I just wrote it this way. I hope you will like it. Stay tuned until the end. Charot.
So, I allowed myself to what???
Few days ago, or it's been weeks that I kept on sneezing once in a while. Also, when I wash my laundry, I would usually wear my sweater or jacket to warm myself, still. I feel cold easily, you know. Hehe.
But, these past days, I got so irritated with my sneezes. I challenged thy sickness then. I said, "uh huh, I'm full of it already, let me allow myself to be sick." I did not wear my jacket/sweater when I washed our clothes. I even took a bath in a warm to cold water, since I was in a rush. Hmmmm. I was so harsh to myself, right? Huhu. I'm so apologetic now.
And then, three to four days ago, after we came home from my classmate's wedding, I felt so cold while walking on the road with my sister and her companions. I was thinking, will I get sick? No please.
I was so late... I challenged thy sickness and it really happened. I got colds all over my body. I felt so cold easily. My head was spinning. My bones were not feeling good too. So I got the body temperature check. I was surprised that it was 37.2. And then again, it was 37.4. I took the medicine immediately which was the alaxan fr. It helped me sweat for the night, and felt well the next morning. My temperature was 36.7. But then again I thought, I was already recovering. I was wrong. It went higher to 38.1... and then the highest was 38.8. Quite high, right? Huhu.
I got teary eyed due to my body's temperature. I was really sick. Only then that I realized, that no one should challenge thy sickness. Or else, it will happen to us out of the blue. The good thing was, I don't have current work so it was okay to stay in bed the whole day. This is the third day that I'm still like this.
I even have my soar throat too. Huhu. Before swallowing, I have to make an ugly face. Mempz.
My dad and mom told me to go for a check up in our clinic. But I refused. Now I changed my mind. I'll have to go tomorrow if this persists. Or else, everything will turn out badly.
I'm so blessed to have a husband who stood by my side, like a doctor. He reminds me everytime to take my medicine, wipe my body, and so on. Actually, I don't like this setting. But since, I can't do things alone, and I need help, so let it be.
I'm even ashamed to my parents, hubby, sister, and brother-in-law to experience this. Whew.
Please, I have learned my lesson and I realized it that I shouldn't challenge thy sickness. I will never do it again. I promise!
Thank you so much for reading this far. I hope you liked it.
By the way, please, don't forget to visit my sponsors. Thank you.
I hope you recover soon my friend, here my family has been a little sick too. It's a little cold, so we are having some allergies and sneezing a lot.
I hope to be much healthier soon and I wish you better health and a speedy recovery.