An eagle is currently flying in space, spreading out its wings and spreading its wings wide. As he continues on his flight he meets a small Maya bird and challenges him.
"Hey Maya, would you like to try which of the two of us flew fast?" Agila's arrogance, so she decided to accept her challenge so that she could teach a lesson. "All right! I accept your challenge. When do you want us to start?" The eagle was pleased, thinking he would accept his challenge. "Well, that's it. Whenever you want," Agila proudly replied.
Maya gazed into space. Seeing that the sky was darkening, he was certain that it would be strong in the rain. "All right eagle, I want us to start the race now. But for our competition to be exciting, every one of us has to bring something. For example, all I take is sugar.
The Eagle laughed at what Maya had said. She was so happy, why not, she was a little lighter than the heavy sugar she was carrying. "Or what, Eagle, are you willing?" Maya didn't. "Well yes, I'm willing." "We will start there on that river and there we will stop at the top of that high mountain," Maya said.
Agila wanted to laugh for fun because she definitely won, but she didn't. And they will start the contest. While they were in the middle of space, it was pouring heavy rain. It read the flower that Agila was carrying, so it weighs heavily. Agila was struggling, so her flight slowed. Meanwhile, the heavy sugar that Maya was carrying was soaked by rain that it melted. Maya's flight was fast.
The reason is that Maya first reached the top of the mountain and beat the proud Eagle.
Nice post dear