A letter for those who think they are similar to white crayon.

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3 years ago

Dear White Crayon,

My life isn't as colorful as others. I'm a nobody, a useless one. I'm not good too be seen by others nor as good to give you this letter but I know I should cheer you up like how you lift me up in those hard times. I've never been enlightened as brighter as you do. I'll never been use and given a value without you.

That thought actually made me think that we're perfectly made for each other. You're rarely given a chance to perform your best because they can't even see your worth. But let me tell you this, it's not because you're worthless or useless that others don't bother to pull you where you were place, it isn't because you're nowhere to value, but because you're too special that no one can replace your worth, you are too special that there are only few people who can see your worth, our worth.

Life is fair all we need to do is to keep on believing that one day we'll be kept and given attention by someone better. By someone whom too good at looking into a deeper meaning of a thing, of us. One day you'll see, you'll be better and things will work out or if not then your betterment will make it better.

Sincerely, BLACK PAPER

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3 years ago
