Small time vloger

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Avatar for Rosamia
3 years ago

Hi everyone! I'm new here I just signed up yesterday and I'm still exploring a lil bit since I still don't know how this site work.

Anyway I'd like to introduce myself to everyone I'm Rosalin Epanto, just call me rosamia.

I'm also on youtube I created my YouTube channel few weeks ago, and become a youtuber and vloger is not easy for a person like me it's hard to grow fast your subscribers.

Since I'm not putting much time on youtube I only post video sometime I feel like posting it hehe, and Im also not a good editor for video editing, I've seen seen a lot of video on YouTube that has a lot of effects, like sound, video clip that I don't k ow which or what kind of video editor they have had used for their video editing.

But for now, I didn't work my channel seriously, for me it was just my past time waiting for the right time to boom and discover my vlog hehe hopefully one day.

Since I'm looking for other past time my friend introduce me to this site, he said it is an awesome site and that I think it really is! 😅Hoping to find a lot of good friends here too😀 just like other platform that I have joined, I met a lot of friends that really like a virtual family to me.

Even at the time of shutdown hehe we still united on the other site, we can still talk and have fun and making each other fun 😄🤔

A site like this and like YouTube and so on is a great stress reliever a time diversion, specially during this time of pandemic we need to stay physically and mentally healthy and stay away from anxiety, this site is one of what I'm looking for.

I can share something and I can learn something from others.

That would be all for this article hope you're all doing well.

$ 0.04
$ 0.03 from @EvilWillow
$ 0.01 from @SoulEater
Avatar for Rosamia
3 years ago


Thank you #evilwillow ❤️❤️❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome Rosamia 💛 Goodluck on your journey at YT :)) I agree this is a great platform to vent frustrations haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago