Happiness lies in the simple things

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1 year ago

Life is beautiful even if the pessimists hate it..

Life is hard, and its difficulty gives it a soul worthy of preservation.. so you make out of it a boat of true happiness..

Make of your pain a change for yourself, and you choose the type of change..

Either you learn and change to a better person, or you break to stay the same and worse.

Do not let frustration and boredom control your actions, actions and decisions, for if you did that, you forgot your ambitions and goals, and lived your ordinary life that lacks the happiness of excellence, excellence and success.

Strength in God, help from Him, safety with Him, and all worldly fears are not worth anything when relying on Him.

Use your mistakes to your advantage:

we are afraid of making mistakes that prevent us from pursuing new and ambitious aspirations.

This is the wrong approach to life.

We must view errors as inevitable parts of the learning process as part of any endeavor.

The archer must turn the arrow backwards to be able to throw it forward with unparalleled force, so you, the reader, must know that your first failure is the beginning of your ambition for a bright tomorrow.

Your happiness is in your hands.

Your state of mind is not determined by external events.

You cannot escape from them - in fact, if you do, you will suffer even more.

But facing reality does not mean that the events that happen to you are dictated by your happiness.

It will determine the state of mind you put in life's challenges

Your happiness is much more than the nature of life's events.

The waves make a skilled captain, and ships must go according to the dictates of the wind, for they are in the sail of passion. The captain overcomes his difficulties with will

Focus your life on what you value:

Our happiness is often measured by how well we achieve external goals.

And while we should do our best to reach the goals we set for ourselves, we'll be happier if we base our goals on truly important values ​​- like honesty, integrity, compassion, looking to do our best, and inspiring others to do so. So. So.

their best.

Doing so will allow us to be happy regardless of whether or not we have achieved every external goal we set for ourselves.

But happiness is there for no reason, like a five-year-old laughing ecstatically when his mother plays him, or a lover smiling without reason when his eyes meet those of his beloved.

Happiness is within us, not from the outside.

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The power is within you:

There is a power within you that is unlike any power you can have in this world. It's been hidden inside you all this time. We have been unconsciously seeking

We set goals and tell ourselves that they will bring us happiness. Then when we achieve them and feel happy, we search for justifications for our deficiency, if it is such and such, because what we are looking for cannot be drawn, we love happiness as much as we can from love, we try to embody it and achieve it with hopes so that we can obtain it faster.

When we were kids we didn't need a reason to be happy because joy is our very nature. When we grow up we start creating these illusions. These additional illusions convince us that joy is a distant thing. Enlightenment is simply a return to our true natural state where we don't need things or accomplishments to be in love.

Return to your true nature. Where life flows and you have access to infinite wisdom. All the things that overpower you were not designed for you to handle on your own. You miss out on precious guidance that is only available when you give in to the present moment. Trust that the present moment has everything necessary for a blessed life, fuel every second with faith. A good intention brings happiness to its owner


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1 year ago
