Greetings To All Readers....!
In Pakistan, thesis is now becoming complusory for Masters and BS Honors students whose CGPA is higher than 3.0 and without research work there is no degree. Few years ago, its just complusory for M.phil and P.H.D students and at master level only those students have done research work whose are interested in the research work.
Students of every department done research work according to their subject. As zoologist research work on the animal, information technology student done research work according to their subject and by creating or designing a website/app or by completing any project that's related to their subject. So as a botanist my research work is on a plant Calotropis gigantea ( Aak).
Thesis is basically a research work and we need to create a book of at least seven chapters:
•First chapter is about introduction.
•Second is about literature review.
•Third is about material and method of experiments which we done in laboratory.
•Fourth chapter is about result of the research and experiments.
•Fifth chapter is about discussion.
•Sixth chapter is about conclusion.
•Seventh and the last chapter is all about refrences.
To complete our research work or thesis, a teacher is alloted to us for a proper guidelines. But till yet my research work is at zero i didn't complete any single chapter of the research work.
We Have Eighth Month For Research Work But All Are Going To Waste:
We have almost two semesters of total of eighth month for the completion of our research work. Basically my thesis research work has been started from December 2020 but till yet we didn't complete any single chapter and wasted our almost seventh month. As due to covid-19, there are no physical classes so most of the universities cancelled the thesis work but for us its complusory due to the strictness from head of department.
In start first one to two times we talked on video call with our thesis guidance teacher but we learnt nothing at that time and also our research work topic not selected. After this, for almost four months we and also our teacher didn't show any consult with research work and in this way we wasted our four months.
In the mid of April the mam contacted with us and asked us to come into the university for the discussion of your research work. We have gone two to three times in the university and just our research topic has been selected at that time we basically research on the medicinal properties of our plants and teacher told us your work is on the hypoglycemic, antidiabetic and antioxidant activities of the plants and also you need to keep a rabbit in your home to perform some of the experiments on it.
After This Teacher Called In University And Told Us To Write Your First Chapter:
After the selection of plant and the research activities on it, teacher again called us in university and told us to write a first chapter of introduction related to your topic. She told us some general headings to complete our first chapter and these are:
As our research is on plant so the first heading is importance of plants.
Then name of medicinal plant.
Introduction of family with which our plant belong.
Medicinal importance of family.
Medicinal importance of research plant.
Area introduction where this plant is found abundantly.
Statement of problems.
Aims and objectives.
Teacher just told us the name of headings and not proper guide us how we write this introduction. We are just newbie and have no idea and also we found the headings of introduction easy so we decided to write it on own behalf to avoid from plagiarism. After this we didn't meet with our teacher again for a one month because she was ill and also the mid-term examination had been started. So after a lots of day teacher called us in university again so that she checked our research work, but after checking this she completely rejected it that how you all are becoming a scientist the research work is totally copy paste from different research paper. Its heart touching for us if we just copied it from other people work then why we are doing this research work.
Teacher Told Us Write The Introduction Again:
Yup in this time she properly guided us and said that if you write your research work on your own behalf its difficult for you to defend your work because you are not scientist . She said that every single paragraph of your work need proper citation and refrence. So in these days am learning about citation and APA (American Psychological Association) referencing style.
Moreover she said that you need to take a data from research paper of recent years and you know that we difficultly get the exact data and to find the research work of recent years is a very difficult task. And in these days am facing this difficult situation and in weeping mood because all these things seem too much difficult to me. But Inshallah i try my best to complete my first chapter till this Sunday.
Closing Thoughts:
In pakistan the research work is at zero, i these days i found this fact when am scrolling on google to find the exact data the mostly research paper are of indian scholars and if i found any research paper of pakistan its mostly of low quality and content. Although now i have very less time for the completion of my thesis but i try my best to complete it at a time and in a good way.
I don't have any idea that how other universities perform a research work from their students. But i want to see a good change in university that if research work is like an assignment for us so its totally dependent on it how we can complete it don't allot a teachers for us that didn't proper guide us either make us a lazy. I want our theeis work is like a subject that's we take a proper classes of it on daily basis, learn different things about it and then make a good book by doing proper experiments on it. As we have eight month for research work so as a botanist we need to do a deeply experiment on our plant by observing its roots, stems, leaves and other activities, then write a book on it and this is basically the research work.
But here is no one that properly guide us less than a one month duration is left for the submission of our thesis but till yet we didn't complete any single chapter or also didn't perform any lab activity so am feeling the vibes of troubles and troubles till the completion of my thesis research work. So remember me in your special prayers regarding to my research work.
I also feel bored too do research but if you can do it then everything is easy I'm way far then these things