Exist but also survive

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Avatar for RominaGodofredo
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Read, Tips, Language


Source: Unsplash

Saturday to continue learning about language and communication. Today I will talk about the latest linguistic function discovered by Jakobson. Lately I have been very interested in writing and language, with the aim of improving my way of expressing myself and transmitting excellent content to you. Also, that you can learn from some data that I can share with you granite by granite the sack is filled.

The factual funtion:

It is the way we communicate in society. Do you remember at school when we used to watch language classes, where the protagonists were: <issuer> <message> <receiver> <code> <channel> Well, in this case, the predominant factor is the channel, what will be the driver through which my message will be carried to other people or to many people. It is necessary to include society as a bridge, because in order to fulfill the phatic function there must be more people.

Some ways where the factual function is applied:

You are on your mobile and suddenly a text message arrives on WhatsApp, with the word "Hello" (the sender is starting a conversation and is waiting for a response) You reply to the message with a "Hello how are you?" (You are the receiver and you know you are starting a conversation with that person.)

When we have the need to know if the other person is understanding what we are saying and we ask him, we are applying the phatic function.

Another way in which we can find this function is when using filler words to show the other person that we are paying attention to what they are saying and that they can continue telling the story because we are interested in it. In other cases it can also be used in the opposite direction, such as not paying attention but disguising when showing our interest in the conversation.

I have found real fascination in learning and showing my content to you. I have had really difficult days, where my anxiety takes over me and depression seduces me to give myself to it. I live a constant roller coaster where on some days I want to eat the world because I am full of good vibes and others where I just want to sleep and disconnect for many hours. I'm trying to add new habits to improve the way I'm living, but I'm so good at procrastinating.

Perhaps I am not saying that I will not achieve it, but I am aware how difficult it will be to deal with perseverance, since halfway through it is very tempting to return to my comfortable position.

I want to form a bond with you and find out if you go through these same processes that are really difficult to overcome. I'd love for you to tell me how you've been feeling lately. Tell me what they usually do in moments of serious negative.

I am very grateful to exist but how difficult it is to survive.

Source: Unsplash

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Avatar for RominaGodofredo
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Read, Tips, Language


I've been feeling negative lately, and when I do, I disconnect myself from the world by being offline in my social media accounts and just focus on my present moment. I sleep most of the time I'm depressed and listen to good music such as Taylor Swift's folklore album and when I feel better, I try to do things differently such as make new habits, healthy habits.

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2 years ago

I do the same as you but with the difference that I listen to Lana del Rey:)

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2 years ago