Causes of bad breath and how can it be avoided?

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3 years ago

What are the causes of bad breath and how can it be avoided?

Symptoms of bad breath or "bad breath" vary, depending on the source.

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There are people who worry about their breath even though it really does not smell, while others have bad breath but they are not aware of it. Because it is very difficult to detect the smell of your own mouth, it is recommended to ask an acquaintance or relative about your breath.

If you have bad breath, it is advisable to check your oral hygiene habits. Try to change your habits, such as brushing your teeth and tongue after eating, using dental floss and drinking plenty of water.

Mayo Clinic shares some causes of bad breath:

1. Food - Keeping particles or leftover food around your teeth can add bacteria and cause a foul odor. Eating onions, garlic and other spices can also make you stink. Such foods enter the bloodstream to the lungs which can affect your breath.

2. Tobacco products - Smoking can stink. Smokers and smokers are more likely to develop gum disease, which is another cause of bad breath.

3. Poor dental hygiene - If you do not brush or use floss every day, you will be left with tooth particles that form plaque. When left untreated, plaque can cause gum disease and cause plaque-filled pockets between the teeth and gums or "periodontitis." Tongues and untreated dentures can also contain bacteria.

4. Dry mouth - Saliva helps cleanse the mouth because it removes leftover food from the mouth. But a condition called dry mouth or "xerostomia" can cause shortness of breath due to low saliva production. Dry mouth often occurs during sleep, causing "morning breath" and becoming even more foul if you sleep with your mouth open.

5. Medication - Some medications also cause "dry mouth" due to chemicals that are bad for your breath.

6. Infection - Surgical wounds from tooth extraction, tooth decay, gum disease or mouth sores can also cause bad breath.

7. Other conditions - Stones that form in the tonsils that cause bacteria also cause bad breath. Infection or swelling in the nose, sinuses or throat also causes bad breath. Some diseases such as cancer and metabolic disorders can also cause shortness of breath.

To prevent shortness of breath, it is advisable to do the following:

1. Brush after eating - Always bring a toothbrush and use food. Use toothpaste with fluoride and do it at least twice a day.

2. Use floss once a day - Properly floss removes leftover food from the teeth.

3. Brush the tongue too - Brushing the tongue reduces breath odor. For those with a coated tongue caused by smoking or dry mouth, a tongue scraper can be used to eliminate bacteria.

4. Clean dentures and bridges - Clean them once a day or at a time set by the dentist. Clean the dental retainer or mouth guard before inserting it into your mouth. The doctor may recommend the most effective cleanser.

5. Avoid dry mouth - Avoid tobacco and other substances that can cause dry mouth such as coffee, soft drinks or alcohol. Drink plenty of water. Chew gum or eat candy to produce saliva.

6. Adjust diet - Avoid eating onions and garlic. Also reduce the intake of sweets as it also causes bad breath.

7. Change your toothbrush - Replace your toothbrush when it is old or three to four months old. Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush.

8. Schedule a regular dental check-up - Consult your dentist twice a year to check and clean your teeth or dentures.

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Written by
3 years ago


I remember my classmate back in high school. She had a terrible bad breath that you'll he able to smell the foul smell even if you are standing almost a meter away from her 😅 Sadly, because of that, she became the object of bullying. So it's really important to always have a proper hygiene to avoid this.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

it's embarrassing because when someone has bad breath no one wants to approach you when you have a bad breath

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3 years ago