Calamansi fiction

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Why is Calamansi so sour?

The Legend of Salvation

Back in the day, lime was sweet, in addition to juicy. When it is mixed to make a drink or a thirst-quench it does not need to be sugar. The water will just melt and it will be delicious. It can be eaten lightly because it is sweet. Also, the calamities of the day were round and large. Apple apples.

Because of this, the disaster is boastful. Cultivated by the heart. Very proud of fellow plants. “All in all we have been blessed by Mother Goddess. Who doesn't love and get mad at seeing us? Hmmmmp. All the fruit trees are there with us. "

The arrogance of the calamities was felt by fellow plants and resented by the Mother Goddess.

“I will take away your pride. However, you will still be important to the people. ”The Mother Goddess minimized the disasters and drained their juice. “Remind yourself that you lacked humility,” he said.

Today there are still many uses of lime but it is no longer large and the juice is no longer sweet.

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Ntawa nmn ako dito lol

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4 years ago

Bkt hahaha totoo ito tol

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4 years ago