Benefits of oregano

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3 years ago

Oregano (origanum vulgare) is a popular medicinal plant and ingredient in dishes that give flavor and aroma to foods.

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It is one of the longest-used medicinal plants for the treatment of various ailments that began to be used thousands of years ago.

Dried and chopped oregano leaves in addition to flavoring dishes, have many health benefits that can not be discounted.

Oregano leaves are popular in Australia, Egypt and other parts of Europe and Asia where many contribute to their health, according to them.

Here are the Benefits of Oregano in Human Health:

Improves the Immune System

In a study published in the Journal of Food Biochemistry led by Giovanna Cervato and her research team at the University of Milan in Italy, they found that the two most important Oregano compounds are rosmarinic acid and thymol.

These two are powerful antioxidants that reduce the body's oxidative stress.

Adding oregano to the diet has also been linked to improving the health of the immune system.

Has Anti-Bacterial Properties

Oregano is known to have antibacterial properties.

These properties are due to the presence of thymol and carvacrol, that is according to a study by the Department of Food Science based at the University of Massachusetts, USA.

These important organic compounds serve as the body's defense against many types of bacteria that can affect the skin, intestines and other parts of the body.

Oregano is also a stimulating agent that increases white blood cells and speeds up the body's metabolism resulting in faster healing of diseases.

Digestion Help

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Oregano is high in fiber which helps and has a huge impact on the health of the digestive system.

Fiber is an essential element needed to have a healthy digestive system so that the whole body can absorb the nutrients it eats and filter the feces.

The digestive system is also responsible for normal bowel movements so it is important that a person's digestive system is healthy which in turn helps the oregano leaf greatly.

Improves Heart Health

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A study conducted in 2006 by the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that oregano contains natural omega-3 fatty acids that can greatly contribute to heart health.

Omega-3 fatty acids balance cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation or inflammation of the cardiovascular system resulting in the prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke and heart disease.

Cancer Has the Potential to Fight

A study by the College of Korean Medicine found that β-caryophyllene oxide in oregano juice has the potential to be used as a treatment to fight cancer.

In their experiments, β-caryophyllene was found to inhibit the formation of cancer cells.

The results of this study were published in the Journal Molecular Carcinogenesis in 2014.

Has Antioxidant Properties

According to a 2007 study published in the Plants Journal by a team of Mexican researchers, oregano contains flavonoids and phenolic acids that fight diseases associated with inflammation, headaches, rheumatism, diabetes, shortness of breath, abnormal indigestion, diabetes and so on.

Rich in B-Vitamins

Thanks to the oregano B-vitamins, it boosts the body's metabolism which gives energy and a feeling of vitality.

Due to the presence of iron and high levels of hemoglobin in oregano, it improves blood circulation which helps the body's muscles which provide energy and energy.

Will you use oregano? Where will you use it?

You can use dried and chopped oregano leaves in the dishes to achieve the health benefits that oregano brings.

It can be in salads, sauces, seasonings, toppings or whatever you eat for extra flavor and aroma.

Your food is delicious, your health is even better!

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3 years ago
