Ampalaya fiction

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TODAY, all kinds of vegetables live in the town of Sariwa. Here comes Labanos and Mustasa. Garlic, Onion, Upo and Patola are also intriguing. Singles, Eggplant, and Ginger hold each other while Tomato and Pumpkin jump.

One day, a strange vegetable sprouted. He is Ampalaya. Her skin color is very pale and no matter what her taste is!

Because of this, the furry envy of Ampalaya's body slowly faded. He became angry and shook his head. All the vegetables that came to her trunk she screamed. “Don't come to me! I don't need you! Go away! ” Because of this, all the vegetables in the town of Sariwa kept moving him.

ONE WONDERFUL night, a dark plot blossomed into Ampalaya's brain. "I have to have the same taste, color and beauty as any other vegetable!" Ampalaya whispered to herself. While the vegetables were dreaming, Ampalaya carried out her plan.

Slowly, he crawled toward the hollow of the unconscious victims. He grasped the sweetness of Pumpkin. She also slides into Tom's ass, along with Luya's cock. He also saw Laban's whiteness hang on the window. He immediately took it.

He also grabbed Talong's purple skin and Mustasa's green cheeks.

He also smelled Singkamas 'bruises, Sibuyas' thin skin, Tamar's delicate complexion and even Patola's crotch.

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Finally! I have all the taste, color, and beauty! I will definitely be jealous of all the vegetables! ” said Ampalaya to herself.

IN CONNECTION, the news of the crash has flown. All the vegetables came together. Everyone's eyes were opened when an unexpected guest arrived: a foreign vegetable. Her skin is so different and she can even taste different! Wonderful vegetables indeed!

But for Tomato, the guest's suspicion is questionable. So in the evening, he gathered together the vegetables and together they tried the foreign vegetable tray.

They could see the foreign vegetable, facing the glass, while simultaneously removing the flavors, colors and beauty of his body. They were startled when a pale vegetable: the cool Ampalaya!

Ampalaya is served in the Court of Vegetable, Fresh, Vegetable Court of Vegetables. All vegetables in the town of Sariwa came to trial. Sun, Earth, Water, and Wind fairies are also there as judges.

"Vegetables that contain all the flavors, colors, and beauty of Nature are not created yet!" cried the fairy of the Sun.

"You have been found guilty of vegetable law and the law of Nature," whispered the Earth mother.

"A-liberate, you will be punished ..." yelled the Water Fairy.

"As a punishment, all your stolen flavors, colors, and beauty from your accompanying vegetables will be yours," the Wind fairy said.

“Is that a punishment? What kind of punishment is that? ” Ampalaya's nightclub.

After the trial, the fairies promised to restore the flavors, colors and beauty of the vegetables that Ampalaya had robbed. And that night, something amazing happened to Ampalaya.

Ampalaya stole all the taste, color and nice that she stole inside her body! When white, green, purple, yellow, and other colors glowed, dark green shone on her skin. As the smoothness and roughness of the soil gave way, its wrinkles came out. And when the sweetness, the sweetness, and the fragrance of the fragrance, began to grow bitter,

Since then, Ampalaya's color has turned dark green. Her skin became wrinkled. And his taste was bitter. Now, even though Ampalaya is a healthy vegetable, many do not like it.

But you know, Ampalaya is sorry. The next time you see her on your plate, try to taste her and forgive her sins.

Thank you hope you enjoy reading my article ..

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Ang sipag ah.... Sana all

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