How to make a mining system.

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Bitcoin is not in the best phase, but it is not the only cryptocurrency. If you need a system, I have some tips to help you.

In this article I try to explain to you what possible configurations you can have for a system that has as its destination the mining of virtual coins. At the same time, I will show you how profitable mining can be depending on each configuration and the current cryptocurrency exchange rate.

The cheapest virtual coin mining system

The first configuration, low-end or a small investment, is the system of the poor "miner".

The system will need a motherboard with two PCI Express x1 ports to connect the two Nvidia GTX 1060 video cards with 6GB VRAM. I do not recommend purchasing the 3GB VRAM, as it may be limited by some mining algorithms. With the exponentially increasing difficulty, it will probably not be possible to mine with such video cards in the future.

The rest of the system consists of a low-end Intel Celeron G3930 processor, 4GB DDR4 RAM and an 80+ Bronze certified Sirtec source that should provide constant and safe power as the system will run 24/7. The operating system can also be run from a USB stick, so I decided to remove the storage drive.

The total cost is about 1400$, to which you add two more adapters for PCI Express x1 to mount the video cards.

So we have a hash power of about 640 h / s and a consumption of about 250 watts with the two Nvidia GTX 1060 video cards. The Zcash price is about $ 375

Finally, we have a weekly profit of about $ 21, a monthly profit of $ 90 and an annual profit of $ 1,095, which is about 4,000 lei after we cut the power. After a year you generate about 3.7 Zcash. In this context, with a rather low course for Zcash, you would not make a profit even after 12 months of mining.

High-end virtual currency mining system

The top system is a kind of mining expert (hence the name of the motherboard). He is already a person who probably mortgaged his house only in the cryptocurrency fever and with the thought that he will get rich.

The motherboard is an Asus B250 Mining Expert with 18 PCI Express x1 ports. Don't be scared, you won't use all the ports, because they generally become unstable after 12 video cards. It also adds an Intel Celeron G3930 processor and 4GB of RAM, but this time it also needs an SSD for the OS.

Recomand implementarea Zotac, deoarece vine cu cinci ani garanție. Din păcate este foarte greu de găsit pe undeva. De fapt, majoritatea plăcilor video menționate în acest articol sunt relativ greu de găsit, iar de plăci video ca ATI RX 580 sau ATI RX Vega nici nu le-am inclus, deoarece în retail rareori le-am văzut la un preț rezonabil în stoc.

Is such a system profitable?

Hard to say in the future, but at this time, at the current price of these cryptocurrencies, I would not recommend. The amount generated after 12 months of mining would cover only the initial investment, and the practical profit would be only the system that you could sell.

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