Igbo Moonlight folks ( Episode 1)

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1 year ago

Folk 1 ( The Antelope, Hunter & Lion)

One day, a pregnant antelope which suddenly went into labour in the forest and around the river banks unfortunately was being aimed at for kill by one of the most dreaded hunters in the land Umuofia. Whereas the poor animal was trying hard to deliver safely, the hunter was thankful to the gods for providing the meal for his family that day.

Immediately the antelope saw the hunter, it's panting sporadically increased. However, the poor animal began to pray to the gods to save her and her about to be born doe. At the same, the hunter also was praying to the same gods to help him not to miss this once in a moment opportunity. Infact, he had only one single bullet left in his gun. While he was aiming and about to pull the trigger on the antelope which at this point sees no more hope in sight, a hungry, ravenous and dangerous looking lion suddenly appeared from nowhere to attack the hunter.

At this point, the hunter had to quickly and without any hesitation change his aim from the antelope in labour to the fierce and deadly lion. The reason is simple, he has only but a single bullet which if used on the antelope will fetch a good catch but then he will have nothing to defend himself with anymore against the lion. Meanwhile, the antelope kept praying to the gods to save her from the hunter. Suddenly, as the lion charged towards the hunter who is adjudged to be the best in Umuofia kingdom, he maintained calmness, took aim and fired the bullet straight at the lion's head. The lion fell down and the hunter heaved a sigh of relief but not for long. This is because as he approached the lion, it surprisingly stood up and staggered towards him. At this point, the hunter had to take to his heels up the valleys and back to the village.

While all these was going on between the lion and hunter, the antelope delivered a very beautiful female doe. Here are a few questions to ponder upon: did the gods answer the antelope? The answer is YES. Did the gods answer the hunter who prayed to be saved from the lion? The answer is YES. Did I tell you that the lion also survived the bullet wound? This is because the bullet did quite penetrate it's fur as the hunter had thought.

So, at the end of this story, the antelope, the hunter and even the lion were all grateful for surviving imminent annihilation.

Folk 2 (The man who loved money more than life)

There was an old man who was said to be a miser (one who hoards) and also loves gold so much that sometimes, he would store his silver coins in a safe and leave it for decades expecting it to have turned into a gold. This man who undoubtedly was extremely wealthy, also would go into the forest to cut down timber which he sells and then uses the money to purchase gold. He usually cuts down the finest, hardest and the most sought after woods for his merchandise.

One day as he went on his routine wood cutting business, he came face to face with a tiger. When he saw the tiger, he exclaimed, 'this skin will fetch me a great fortune! Unfortunately for him, the tiger was not having any his thoughts to waste time on. It suddenly pounced on the man and began to drag him right into the thick of the forest. Luckily for the man, he always went with his grown up son, who immediately he saw what was happening, took a spear and a cutlass to engage the tiger in a battle in order to free his father. As he was about striking the tiger with a deadly blow of the spear, his father shouted at him and said " do not strike the tiger, so much as to give a cut to it's skin, it will fetch us fortunes". His son could not quite hear him neither could he understand what he was saying under the grip of the tiger. As his son was about asking his father what he was saying, the tiger fiercely and with great strength dragged into the thick forest. When the man saw that his life was more important than the skin of the tiger or even silver and gold, it was too late. He kept shouting to his son to come and help him but his kept fading and finally was no more heard. The man was brutally battered and torn by the merciless beast who cared less about the man's age or his plea for mercy.

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1 year ago
