Deep Sea

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3 years ago

The place in the deep sea where not a single drop of sunlight reaches is called the Midnight Zone. There is unbearable pressure, enough to crush human bones. To get there you have to ride a very strong submarine. Not wanting to tell the story of the submersible today, today we will see one of the horrible monsters seen through its windows.

It is pitch dark in the midnight zone, the light of biolunic animals shining in that darkness. With huge headlights on, a group of fish is plowing there in search of prey. The jellyfish are there like chandeliers, fleeing from the hunter's jaws with a flash of intense light. Bright blue light shone from the vampire squid's blood-red thorny arms.

In this strange world you will see some light that is not moving at all, sitting quietly on the table like a table lamp. Beware of them, for the convenience of reading your book, no one will just keep the light on in the deep sea. Bokasoka fish do not understand so much, they think that they are easy prey and follow the light. Then the real look of light comes out.

Just as a human catches a worm with a fishing rod on its head, so does a fishing rod at the tip of the nose of a giant angler fish. The pet bacteria of angler fish live on the head of the fish. They sit with the light on, the angler fish showing that light and pulling the prey closer. His terrifying horrible face has sari-sari-eyed teeth, his belly swells like a balloon and can eat prey bigger than himself, and each can range in size from a few inches to 3 feet. Therefore, human child, be careful!

Angler fish come in many varieties. Some of them are like torches, some of them are sensitive hairs, some of them are white like ghosts. But one thing is common to almost everyone. They are all girls. For a long time, the boy Angler was like a big mystery to fish scientists. Eventually his tangle unraveled.

The society of Angler Fish is feminist, the women there are horrible, thrilling, huge. Men are very small, weak, malnourished. The only goal of his life is to get a good looking wife and hide under his realm. The male angler fish has a very strong sense of smell, trying hard to get a wife until it enters someone's stomach in the realm of dark grumpy monsters. Wife married? Good. Son Angler Fish now bites his wife's body. The response is a bite like life, a bond like absolutely super glue. Slowly her lips melted. Then face to eye. He will never need food again. The food coming from the blood vessels of the wife will provide nutrition to her. The fins are no longer needed. Many organs are no longer needed. They also rot slowly. In the end the two fish become one, a huge girl attached to the fish is completely dedicated, helpless her husband, in the end that will become a sperm sac to be small, then will be lost one day.

Cruel angler fish on the one hand for catching prey such as bacteria, on the other hand also for breeding pets. Not one, but a few!

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Avatar for Robiul12
3 years ago


Nice article ....plz upvote

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3 years ago

that was so oncridible. Nice Artivles. Hope you always make this. Please let us support eavh other all over again in again.

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3 years ago

Nice Article dear brother.Keep it up....

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3 years ago

মধ্যরাতের জোনের অন্ধকার অন্ধকার, সেই অন্ধকারে জ্বলজ্বল জৈব প্রাণীর আলো।
বিশাল হেডলাইট চালু রেখে, একদল মাছ শিকারের সন্ধানে সেখানে লাঙ্গল চালাচ্ছে। জেলিফিশ সেখানে ঝাঁকুনির মতো রয়েছে, তীব্র আলোর ঝলকানি নিয়ে শিকারির চোয়াল থেকে পালিয়ে যায়।
ভ্যাম্পায়ার স্কুইডের রক্ত-লাল কাঁটা বাহু থেকে উজ্জ্বল নীল আলো জ্বলে উঠল।🤗

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There are many undiscovered sea creatures living in the very deep sea.. Maybe they could pop out sometimes for the sunlight

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's great writing Dear👈❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very good post.. dear amazing writing

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3 years ago