A wonderful day I passed in My life

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Avatar for Robinccrian2022
2 years ago

Life is a struggle for retaining our existence.Everyday we fall in many difficulties in our life.But we try our best to cope up with the situation.Sometimes we succeed,sometimes fail.But iinstead of those little difficulties we gather some beautiful moment and memory in the frame of our life.

Most of the memories are made with friends.Friends are our best companion in our life.From those memories we can get warmth and vitality to live.

On 1st January this year I passed a wonderful day which has become a great memory forever. The first day of new year might be a great day of the year. In 2020 we passed a monotonous life because of the pandemic COVID-19. So I along with my friends planned to pass the first day of new year with happiness.

We had arranged a tour by the train to a riverbank of our district.The name of the river is Teesta. The Teesta river starts at Pahunri glacier, and flows south through rapids in the Sikkim Himalaya.In winter the river and the riverside places looks amazing.So we thought that it would be helpful for us to enjoy a fresh peaceful and lovely day there.

We reached at the Rangpur railway station in the right time to start our journey.The weather was neither very cold nor very hot and the atmosphere of the station was beautiful.The train had already been there. We bought our tickets and got into the train.The right time came and the train started for our destination.

We started to enjoy our trip.A gentle wind was blowing.We were chatting with one another, singing songs and enjoying the view of outside sceneries through the window. After an hour we reached at the destinated station.We got down from the train.The view of that station was also great.Then we hired a vehicle for the main destination,that means The Teesta river.

After 15-20 minutes we reached there. There were two bridges,one for train and another for other vehicles.We started walking by the side of the river and went to the railway bridge. Then we started walking through the rail line chatting with one another. From the bridge we were able to see the extensive river.

We reached middle of the bridge and there were some sitting places under the bridge. We sat down there and enjoyed the view of the river and riverside places.

After relaxing some times there we went to a nearby hotel. There we bought chicken roast with fried rice. We enjoyed our launch.

After having our lunch we took some rest. Then we walk through the riverside road. We enjoyed the natural beauty.

Then at the afternoon we hired a boat. The boat took us in the middle of the river. The boat took us to a mastered flower garden which was beside the river village.The yellow colored flowers had also good fragnance.

Actually we wanted to see the sunset. So we waited until the time came. At last we were able to see the sunset. As it was winter we can't see it clearly. But that was quite good view.

Then we returned to Rangpur. After reaching,we enjoyed tea. Then we went back to our own houses. The day I spent that day will be always in my memory. This is one of the best experience of my life.

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2 years ago
