LGBT Misrepresentation

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LGBT misrepresentation is also rampant in the Philippines - like gay people falling on straight friends, lesbians who are always gay, just killing gay people in horror movies, and much more.

It is also a trend that when a man is attracted to both men he is always weak or concealed. Not all of these are necessary because we need to consider SOGIE because not all gay men are women if they act.

Sometimes, the media also shows that the gay is exposed to the heat of the flesh far from the truth. Gay men, like straight men and women, have different preferences when it comes to sex.

Although some say that LGBT people are becoming more empowered today, our brothers and sisters in the community still have many negative experiences.

We need to understand their experiences and trials in life and to better understand their personality so that we can broaden our minds to focus on not just heterosexual men and women. May the day come to be fully LGBT, and not just tolerated because LGBT people are, and they deserve to be treated and treated equally by their fellow human beings, regardless of orientation and gender of these.

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