Why go to nature to know yourself?

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3 years ago
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Socrates said, 'Know thyself.' Throughout the ages, many more scholars have insisted on knowing oneself. The wayfarer who does not find peace has been told to seek peace within himself. He who has lost a loved one has also been told to heal his wounds with love. Lalon says, "Don't take news of your house ..."

Those who meditate regularly also know this. Meditation basically takes our mind to us. We find out what we really want, how far we have come in that goal. There is no end to finding yourself. And if you want to find the appropriate environment. Nature gives you that environment. How? Learn why nature is the best way to know yourself-


Peace prevails in the midst of nature. Your meditation will not be good when you go everywhere. All the big tourist destinations of the country are part of nature, but so to speak, all those places are quiet, but it is not! Find a secluded place to meditate. A lonely mountain peak, an unfamiliar beach, a sand dune away from the locality can be the best place for you.

Clear weather

The pure air of calm nature purifies the mind. There you do not have to wait for the holy place. You will wake up as soon as the sun rises. The day will begin with the call of the birds. This sacred environment is suitable for meditation.

In the midst of enormity

It is said that the vastness of the sea reminds people of their own smallness. Really, nature is so beautiful, so abundant here, the more you immerse yourself in it, the more you will remember, the more you will feel how small the worldly problems are! You will easily find the solution to the problems that were bothering you. It would seem that the solution was floating around. Not just holding hands.

Teacher role

Nature is our teacher. If you spend 1 month in a dense forest, you will see how much your perception of life has changed. Yes, there is that power in nature. It heals the deep wounds of the human mind, making him fit for the battle of life. Every creature that grows up in nature has a different life struggle. None of their lives are as full of benefits as ours. The fight for survival is so tough there. No one else can give you the realization that this harshness will give you.

So this time if the mind is restless, if any Ferrari wants to find itself again in the wings of the clouds, if you feel very frustrated then go somewhere far away. Not in a crowd of people, in a secluded area. Settle on yourself, discover new ones. Come back to this locality with strength!

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3 years ago
