Why do rapists rape?

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Crime expert Madhumita Pandey has interviewed 100 rapists one after another from the age of 22. Researched the psychology of rapists.

Madhumita Pandey is pursuing a PhD in criminology from Anglia Ruskin University in England. At the age of 22, he went to Delhi's Tihar Jail to interview a rapist for his own research.

Since then, he has interviewed 100 people one after another for the last three years. Wanted to know, “Who are these? We call them monsters, inhumans - but why do these people rape? How do they deal with their crime? ” Today's article is about his experience and the results of his research.

We must remember Delhi's 'Nirvar'. At 9:30 pm on December 16, 2012, medical student Jyoti Singh Pandey and his friend Andhra Singh Pandey were returning home by bus after watching the movie 'Life of Pi'.

Later, a total of 6 people including the driver of the bus beat Andra and seriously injured him and then gang-raped Jyoti. After 13 days of treatment, Jyoti died of excessive bleeding in the brain, pneumonia and bacterial infection in the lower abdomen.

Protests erupted across India and beyond. Jyoti was dubbed 'Nirvaya' and 'Daughter of India'. That year, gender experts declared India the most unsafe country for women in the G20.

Even in Saudi Arabia, where women are forced to live under the tutelage of one man or another, they declare the situation in India worse than in Saudi Arabia.

According to the latest data from the National Crime Records Bureau of India, 34,751 women were raped in India in 2015 alone.

Thousands of people have taken to the streets in India to protest violence and rape against women after the 2012 Nirvaya rape.

Madhumita Pandey, a resident of Delhi, sees her city burning in a new light, a new fire. Sitting on the other side of the world in England, he, like everyone else, says - "These are inhumans, these are monsters", he asks in his mind - "Why do these people do this?" “

Then in 2013 Madhumita started her research work. At first he started working on a small scale as a pilot project. He then spent months talking to the rapists in Delhi's Tihar Jail, taking one interview after another.

Madhumita saw that most of these rapists had no formal education, only a few, they had crossed the line of high school. Many have not studied beyond the third or fourth grade. Madhumita realized that they were not monsters, not strange creatures, and as ordinary as ten human beings. They have been raped because of their growing up environment, the influence of family and social environment in the world of thought.

While working on the social situation in India, Madhumita noticed that it was still unconventional in Indian households to call one's husband by name. As part of the study, Madhumita spoke to several of her friends, asking what their mothers called their husbands. In reply, almost everyone said that their mothers call their husbands by the names of 'Ei Shuncho', 'Shono' or 'Raonak's father' (child's name).

Thus the men of our society learn the misinterpretation of masculinity from an early age, and women learn how to be under men. Madhumita Pandey said, “This is happening in every house. We think these rapists may have some birth defects. But no, they are not aliens from the outside world. Rather, they have grown up in the society of this world. ”

Madhumita added, “These rapists have a deadly trait. Talking to them can make you suddenly sympathetic to them. At least as a woman it is not normal for me to feel that way. Yet when I talked to them, I almost forgot that they were rapists. I noticed that most of them don't think they've committed a heinous crime, they don't know what the other party's 'consent' means. "

Madhumita then asks herself again, “Is this mentality the same for these uneducated people, or for a large section of male society? Do they understand the meaning of the word 'consent'? ”

India is a country with a very conservative social situation. Nowhere in the school education curriculum is there any ‘sex education’ or sex education lesson.

Policy makers think that this will degrade the young society and insult the religious-social norms. While researching, Madhumita observed, ‘Words like penis or penis, uterus or vagina, sex, rape are not what parents want to utter in front of their children. If they can't get out of this mentality on their own, how will they teach their son? ”

In the interviews, most of the rapists have justified themselves by showing the reasons behind the rape. Many have even denied the allegations of rape. The rest have blamed the raped girl in various ways.

One case surprised Madhumita. The 49-year-old rapist raped a 5-year-old child. When asked about it, she says, “Yes, I feel really bad, I ruined the girl’s life. The girl is no longer a virgin, now who will marry her? I will accept him, I will marry him if he is released from jail. ”

Madhumita was so shocked by this answer that she found the family of the raped girl. When they went there, the girl's mother told Madhumita that they had never told anyone in the society that their daughter's rapist was in jail.

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