Ways to make yourself efficient:

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3 years ago
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1, should stop comparing yourself with others:

No matter how generous we think we are, we all find it difficult to accept the success of others.

One of our friends got a very good result or a job but instead of celebrating their success, we get upset and start saying in our minds, 'Why did he get this job, why did he get a good result? Why didn't I get it '?

Many of us have this problem in our lives. That makes us more depressed. And depression hurts our self-confidence and lowers our hopes from the beginning. So first of all you have to stop comparing yourself with others and start thinking about yourself, you have to start thinking about your own work.

2. Stick to what you have:

The basic difference between a successful and a failed person is that if you go to a failed person, you will see that he has a list of thousands of excuses for his failure. On the other hand, a successful person has at least one reason to do something, even if he has a thousand reasons for it, for which he succeeds by overcoming all obstacles.

3. Inspiration can become a failure story:

Success is the golden deer. We are constantly chasing this golden deer. The definition of success varies from person to person. But everyone agrees in one sentence, failure is the main reason behind success. For example: Nick Woodman - Founder: Bill Gates - Co-Founder, Microsoft. Steve Jobs - Co-founder: Apple. Richard Branson - Founder: Virgin Group. Jack Ma - Founder: Alibaba Group.

There are many failure stories behind these successful people today but they have all learned from their failures and mistakes. Success is not a magic wand, it will solve everything if you touch it. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

4. Find out who you like best:

Do what you like, not what anyone else wants. Find a purpose in life and believe that you are capable of doing something exceptional.

When you work for a purpose with deep attention, it will be extraordinary and you will hold it in your hand. Victor Frank said, "Success is like happiness, which cannot be achieved by running after it, and it is possible only when it is achieved through unintentional self-sacrifice." When you understand what your life is all about, your world will come alive.

Then he will wake up every morning with immense power and great enthusiasm. Then all your thoughts will be centered in one center, for a specific purpose. And you won't have time to waste then. And once you get the job you want, success is not far off.

5. Working beyond one's own boundaries:

Although there is a strong desire to go beyond borders, it is not possible for most people to go beyond language, profession or border. I can't think or want anything other than the good and bad of the profession I am in day and night. The first reaction of many of us when we see or hear something outside the boundaries is negative. The first thing we do is try to understand what we are not used to seeing or hearing.

Moving closer to other boundaries does not mean sacrificing one's individuality. The smaller the box, the less power it has to think. If you want to make yourself efficient, you have to go beyond your own boundaries and acquire the skills to work and think. If there are walls around you, let them stay, but there should be many windows and big doors across those walls.

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3 years ago
