Smart and intelligent in 15 scientific ways

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3 years ago
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There are some people who are much smarter than everyone else. Scientists believe they have a lot more intelligence. But smartness or intelligence comes from human environment, experience and other sources. Even then, experts have quickly discovered 15 scientific ways to make themselves smarter. It can also show the power of the brain.

1. You can make yourself smart even when you get lost among the people on the street. On the way everyone will walk at the same speed as they normally walk. Studies have shown that if he walks faster than everyone else, he is considered to be someone outside the team. And he seems much smarter when he keeps up with everyone.

2. The study found that people who wear thin glasses look less attractive but more intelligent. The study from the University of Vienna found that people who wore rimless or thin-framed glasses had much more intelligence.

3. A joint study found that people who hold glasses or mugs of alcohol in their hands are more likely to be stupid. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and Michigan found that those who drank a glass of juice or any other beverage looked smarter.

4. According to a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, people who use the initials without writing the middle part of the name are considered to be much smarter and more influential.

5. Those who have good vocabulary in writing are considered to be very smart and intelligent. A 2012 Princeton University study found that people who use a variety of simple words without using unnecessarily difficult and big words are smarter.

6. Cornell University researchers Anne Tal and Brian Wansink said in 2014 that those who presented information based on visible and olfactory evidence were considered more intelligent than others. Graphic is very interesting and effective in presenting information scientifically.

7 . Presenting speech in a monotonous voice does not catch people's eye. But the speaker is considered to be much smarter if the explanatory speech is expressed with the help of gestures. You can also present yourself smart through the ups and downs of your voice while speaking.

8. A 2006 study by Nora A. Murphy, a professor at Loyola Marymount University, found that talking with eyes closed showed smartness. He said that eye contact is one of the effective means of communication. It is also considered to be an expression of intelligence.

9. Another study by Nora Mafi in the same year found that confident behavior makes people smart enough. Some other studies have also shown that confident behavior proves people are intelligent.

10. People also become smart with tasteful and acceptable clothes. For example, if the teacher comes to class in formal attire, the students think that he is much more intelligent. A 2012 study from Northwestern University found that people who wore white lab coats like doctors were considered more intelligent.

11. According to a 2014 study, sincere laughter can make people much smarter and more intelligent. Smartness is manifested in the expression of joy among the people.

12. Many people wear various types of ornaments on their face. A 2012 study by Anglia Ruskin University found that people who wore fingernails had lower IQs.

13. According to a small-scale study, the expression of a sense of humor at the right time reveals smartness and intelligence. Women are attracted to this kind of sense of humor in boys. The man became smart in their eyes.

14. A 2002 study found that those who moved to leadership positions were naturally considered to be more intelligent and smart. The leader of a small group is also considered to be the most intelligent of that group.

15. A 1999 study by two psychologists found that recognizing what you don't know is a sign of smartness. It is said that only intelligent and smart people can express the limits of their knowledge. It also reveals a kind of honesty.

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