How to take care of dry skin in winter to get the perfect makeup?

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Winter! Dry skin on him? Do not want to put makeup on the face in any way? What to do then? As there are problems, there are also solutions to these problems. Winter skin needs some extra care. For example, it is a must to have a good quality moisturizer in your winter skin care routine. In the same way, if you take care of some things in your skin care routine, you can easily get rid of any skin and makeup related problems. Today we will find out, with some skin care tips for dry skin in winter. I hope that our skin will be as good as it is, and those who face various problems while applying makeup will also be removed. Let's not know then, some life saving tips to take care of dry skin in winter to get the perfect makeup.

How do I know if the skin is dry?

The skin becomes absolutely rough and itchy

The skin will look dirty and pale all day long

After taking a shower, the body will feel very tight

Many times there will be problems like itching or itching

Wrinkles can easily fall on the skin

Redness may appear on the skin many times

Again, there are many problems like skin rashes. The skin becomes white. The amount of dead cells increases.

The normal radiance of the skin becomes pale and appears darker.

Winter dry skin care can make a difference in our daily routine, but it can solve many problems on its own. From waking up to going back to sleep, there is no problem if you develop the habit of doing certain things regularly.

Winter dry skin care to get the perfect makeup

Don't forget to do those things as soon as you wake up

1) Each of us has a different skin type. So first we have to wake up in the morning and clean our face with a good facewash according to our skin type.

2) If the face is properly cleaned, a moisturizer should be applied immediately according to the skin type.

3) Exfoliate scrub to take care of dry skin in winter. After using face wash at least 2 to 3 times a week, scrub should be exfoliated. This will easily solve the problem of dead cells. As well as the darkening of the skin will be reduced

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What to do before you go out

Many of us are reluctant to use sunscreen because the sunlight is not very bright in winter. But then I don't understand how much damage we are doing to our skin due to this slight negligence. So,

1) Don't forget to use sunscreen even in the comfort of winter. Sunscreen can be a cream or lotion but in no way can it be skipped from our day care routine.

2) When going out, try to use sunscreen that has SPF 30 or above.

3) It is very good if moisturizing sunscreen can be used.

Skin care before going to bed at night

No matter what skin care I do all day, skin care cannot be skipped in any way before going to sleep.

1) Apply moisturizing lotion on the face at night more than the amount of moisturizing lotion used during the day.

2) You can use olive oil before going to bed at night to maintain the brightness of the skin. Or you can use petroleum jelly.

3) Those over the age of 20 can use night cream or serum in their night care routine.

Many of us who love to do makeup face various skin problems in winter. Good all year round but winter actually starts with various skin problems. Just a few things to keep in mind in the skin care routine, it will not be a problem to get rid of these problems and create a makeup look like mind

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oo Hopefully, today's post was helpful for you. If you want to buy authentic products for skin and hair care, you can visit two cosmetic physical shops, one located in Jamuna Future Park and the other in Border Square. And if you want to buy online, you can buy from Everyone will be good, healthy, beautiful.

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