How good is cycling for health?

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3 years ago
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Any developed country has separate roads for bicycles. There are cars and horses sitting far away, ordinary pedestrians have to pay a fine even if they get up. Many people have made the two-wheeler the only reliable vehicle. This has benefited them physically and mentally. The question is what are the benefits?

Physical gain

Increase lung capacity: Cycling requires more air to enter the lungs. Because cycling requires a lot of oxygen. So regular cycling increases the capacity of the lungs. The question for many, the pollution around, should be cycling in the open air? A study by King's College London found that air pollution rarely affects the lungs of cyclists.

Boosts immunity: Regular cycling requires a number of dietary changes. Protein intake is increased. Vegetables are eaten more. Proper diet also increases immunity. Moreover, there are some lazy white blood cells. Cycling boosts immunity even when they are stimulated.

Strong heart: Cycling for half to one hour every day increases the heart's ability to pump blood and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Stroke prevention: Regular cycling also increases the rate of blood flow to the various blood vessels in the brain. Reduces the risk of stroke.

Forgotten Diseases: The risk of dementia such as Alzheimer's and dementia is also significantly reduced.

Prevention and control of diabetes: Cycling greatly improves glucose metabolism. It is also possible to prevent sugar in this way. People with diabetes can easily control their blood sugar by cycling.

Attractive body composition: It is possible to burn about four hundred to one thousand calories of energy every day by cycling at a slightly higher speed for an hour! You can get a slim body in just a few days.

To gain weight: Even if you are underweight and very thin, you can benefit by cycling. Also change your diet. After breakfast, go to the office and have a heavy tiffin once you reach the workplace. Because, if you weigh less, you will not get the strength to ride a bike. So you need to eat extra food after cycling. In this way, with the combination of proper diet and cycling, even very thin people can get a well-built body.

To maintain age: Cycling is also a type of exercise. It removes various harmful substances from the body along with sweat. Diseases are less. The problem of corrosion and wrinkles does not come quickly. Age shows less.

Emotional gain

Depression and fatigue: It is possible to get rid of fatigue by cycling regularly. It has been seen that even after the lockdown disaster, those who have cycled to the office have less anxiety and fatigue.

Increases confidence and concentration: Cycling requires constant monitoring of the road. Increases attention and confidence.

Problems with insomnia: Many people have noticed that sleep does not come at night when they are drowsy. But if you ride a bicycle for only 30 to 60 minutes every day, fitness comes back. Insomnia can also be overcome.


Congenital heart problems: Congenital heart disease called hypertropic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) is not easily diagnosed. However, if the patient has difficulty breathing during heavy exercise, heart rhythm problems, it indicates the symptoms of HOCM problems. So if you think you are having a physical problem while cycling, get an echocardiogram and ECG to find out if you have a heart problem.

Heart disease: Patients suffering from mild or moderate heart problems can cycle with the advice of a doctor.

Asthma and COPD: Cycling can be done in the early and middle stages of asthma and COPD. It increases the capacity of the lungs. However, there is no question of running in a complicated situation.

Kidney disease: In the early stages of kidney disease, cycling can be done with the advice of a doctor.

Knee arthritis: According to some people, if there is osteoarthritis, the cartilage in the knee joint is damaged. Someone said there are benefits. In that case, if you have osteoarthritis, you can ride a bicycle with gear. This reduces the pressure on the knees. Moreover, they can take some drugs to prevent cartilage damage with the advice of a doctor.

Cycling is a necessary condition

Can be run at any age. If fit, you can run after the age of eighty.

Wear a three-layer mask when cycling at normal speeds.

If you want to cycle in the sun for a long time, put a packet of ORS in a bottle of water. Drink if you feel tired.

Quit smoking now.

Do not talk on mobile while cycling.

Last word

Bicycles can reduce air pollution. After reducing the greenhouse effect. Using bicycles to transport 30 percent of the people who go to work in petrol-diesel powered transport will reduce air pollution by hu hu.

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3 years ago
