10 Unknown Fun Facts About Facebook:

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3 years ago
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How well we actually know about the social networking site Facebook. Let Muktamancha.com find out about Facebook for you

(1) For every 13 people in the world, 1 person has a Facebook ID.

Very normal. The popularity of Facebook is increasing day by day.

Thousands of new sites are coming every day to compete with Facebook. Again

Everything is getting lost in the course of time. Nothing is as popular as Facebook

Can't be.

(2) Facebook can be seen in 70 different languages.

There are 60 different languages ​​in the world for browsing Facebook. I am Bengali,

I can see all the news and interface of Facebook in Bengali language.

(3) At first, Facebook's engineers wanted to call the "Like" button a "complex" button.

All the engineers who used to code for Facebook used the "Like" button

Wanted to name "Awesome" button. But it was not possible because of Zuckerberg.

(4) 83% of sex workers have their own Facebook page.

In short, Facebook pages are for them to find more contacts and customers in a short time

Brings extreme benefits.

(5) Attempts are made to hack Facebook at least 6 lakh times daily.

That's not possible, because the father of hackers is a software engineer at Facebook.

(6) Facebook is tracking your every likes, comments, location.

Brother, be careful. Don't do anything counterproductive on Facebook. Catching you upside down

It's a one-tour affair for law enforcement. Try something serious, later

You will feel.

(6) You cannot "block" Mark Zuckerberg.

Is it possible to say ?? What to block the person for whom you are using Facebook

Can you? Try it.

(6) Facebook has defined the meaning of "poke".

Facebook has explained everything but this poke. Because poke means

Almost everyone knows. Dive

(9) Thirty-five and a half crore pictures are uploaded on Facebook every day.

If one and a half crore are members of Facebook, then uploading thirty five crore pictures is unusual

Nothing is supposed to happen.

(10) Seventy-four crore people use Facebook every day.

Don't worry too much about these, Muktamancha.com is not responsible for tearing his head off.

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3 years ago
