My different 2021

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Avatar for RiyanAbdullah3849
2 years ago
Topics: Articals, Journey, 2021

Hi everyone hopefully everyone is fine.

Start of the year was very motivating because covid19 created lots of problems and changed the way of living completely. As schools, universities and colleges are closed so everyone was stuck at home.

But in the start of new year 2021 we got a good news of reopening of universities by phase system. I was happy because for me it was so difficult to learn in online classes and my results was also proof of that.

Anyhow when I went to university after the covid break I found so tough to get my routine back. Because my life was completely changed and I found so difficult to adjust myself.

Because in covid I was involved in lots of online websites, crypto and many other projects. I have no doubt in saying that covid proved to be turning point of my life. Because before the covid came I don't know anything about crypto or online earning. But I felt so much interest and in no time I was involved in it by heart. I will share my crypto some other day because I have to cover so many other things.

So when I met my friends after about a year I think that was the most enjoyable moment of that time. But I think everyone had different looks and I had realized at that time how time brings quick changes and I am sure they noted the same in me.

But I was lucky in making friends online. I was so shy before but once I involved in online works I got so much confidence and so many changes came in my personality. And I was so happy with these changes and grooming in mine.

But I think when you are too happy a big sadness is moving your way. Same happened with me as one of my closest friends ever wanted to leave me without any reason. And he was the one who was the secret knower of mine. I just wished him best of luck for his career. But I was completely shocked about that incident. I was pretty sure that someone spread wrongs things about my personality who was jealous of our friendship. But I didn't expect it from him that our friendship relation was so week.

I took a two months to came out of this incident and my behavior with everyone was so rude. I left all the things and was mum for two months but then I realized that why I was giving punishment to myself without my fault.

Then I got back in normal routine but I made promise with myself that no one will be my close friend again. Anyhow life continues and paper came and I had to prepare well for them because I didn't give any attention to studies during that phase. BUT Alhamdolilah got good morks in 6th semester.

Now I want to share about my sport activities. I am a sport lover and cricket is my favorite sport and I am also a club cricketer. And my playing role is all rounder. But in start when I started cricket I was a batsman and then I developed myself into bowler but my action was not legal but I bowled at a ultimate pace and in my cricket career i hit a batsman on his head badly haha.

But now again I am back in batting and in this year I played so many match winning innings and I am proud of myself but I think I need more improvement. And I will try my best.

Now if I talk about other hobbies which I did in this year is writing different articles. Although I have to face a loss of approximately 900 dollars through one site where I worked for one year and earned so much fame but they suddenly banned the site and run and yes it was heart broking.

But in the end in total 2021 proved to be not so good in term of different bad experiences but I learned a lot and I will try to never repeat mistake in coming year.

Tell me how was your 2021??

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Avatar for RiyanAbdullah3849
2 years ago
Topics: Articals, Journey, 2021


Our year might teach us in different way and we learned a lot from it. Keep going dear🤗

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2 years ago