They say that plants don't have feelings, but some say that plants also work together.

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2 years ago

We often talk to plants without realizing it. I don't know if I can't concentrate or it's just a fad so that I feel there is a friend when I'm alone. Even though there is no response back in words, talking to the plant can be a relief too. Isn't that right?

Plants don't make a sound, but don't forget that plants are living things in the world. If animals can cry because they are sad, for example, then what about plants? Do you have feelings or not like humans and animals? Check it out in the following review, let's

It was originally said that as living beings, plants have feelings like animals

Equally present in the world as living beings, scientists assume that plants also have feelings like animals. This idea emerged in the early 2000s with the term "plant neurobiology" coined because some plant behaviors can be compared to animal intelligence. For example, the response that can be seen in stems and leaves. Because at certain moments, he said stems and leaves can show awareness.

Meanwhile, as reported by Live Science, over millions of years animal brains have evolved to produce behaviors identified as intelligence. Some of the intelligences referred to include reasoning and problem solving, use of tools, and self-knowledge. After being traced back, this awareness was considered not to exist in plants.

If you think about it, plants really don't seem to have feelings. Even if it is, I can't imagine how sad the trees are when there is a fire in the forest

Plants cannot escape from danger. For example, when a forest fire occurs, if the trees are aware, you can't imagine how they will feel. The pain of being burned alive without being able to escape was certainly pitiful. Now that you think about it, having no feelings might be an advantage for plants huh.

On the other hand, there are studies that say that plants will emit vibrations as an expression of dislike when their leaves are eaten by caterpillars

Unlike the results of previous studies, there are other studies that say that plants do have feelings. According to research conducted by the University of Missouri, this occurs when the leaves are eaten by other living things such as caterpillars. He said, plants can know how it feels when the leaves are eaten by caterpillars. At that time, the plant will show a dislike for the process. Quoted from Republika, this study was conducted on thale lettuce which is closely related to broccoli.

Reportedly, the leaves will give off a different vibration when eaten by caterpillars when compared to the natural vibrations caused by being exposed to the wind

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