Other Benefits of Cactus Plants Besides Aesthetics, Can Be Air Purifiers

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1 year ago

A beautiful, healthy, and comfortable room is everyone's dream. One way to beautify a room is to decorate the room with various furniture and decorate it with ornamental plants that match the concept of your home or room. One of the ornamental plants that are often used to decorate the room is the cactus plant.

Not only does it make the room beautiful, it turns out that this succulent plant also has other benefits such as cleaning the air, increasing productivity, and restoring disease.

1. Air filter that makes the room feel fresher

Through the process of photosynthesis, cacti can absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen which is good for health. The oxygen released by the cactus will make the room fresher. Fresh air certainly affects the quality of your sleep.

2. Repels bacteria and pollution so that the air is fresher and clearer

In addition to acting as an air filter, cactus thorns can catch dust in your room, so the air in the room will be clearer. The ability of cacti to bind to fine particles in the air, makes cacti capable of killing bacteria that are scattered in the room.

3. Absorb radiation from electronic objects around you

Electronic radiation from the use of electronic objects in the room turns out to have a fairly bad impact on health and fitness. Therefore, the use of cacti in the interior of the room will provide benefits in reducing electronic and electromagnetic radiation.

4. Natural colors can help you increase focus and productivity

Losing focus will certainly make you feel annoyed and irritated. To overcome this, you can put a cactus in the room such as on a work desk or study table which will help you increase focus. Cool cactus colors and cute shapes can calm your mind so you will be more focused and productive in carrying out your activities.

5. Can be a cure itching

Not only acting as an ornamental plant, some types of cactus can be used as a remedy for itching and swelling due to insect bites.

6. Helps prevent disease

In addition to keeping the air moist, placing a cactus indoors can also help prevent your disease. Based on research from the University of Norway, an office that has ornamental plants such as cacti in each room can reduce pain levels by up to 60%.

Good air humidity can keep you from dry skin, dry cough, and sore throat.

7. Can recover some diseases faster

Keeping a cactus is not only able to prevent disease but can also help you to recover from several diseases such as flu symptoms, headaches, coughs, and fevers. In fact, according to research conducted by Kansas State University, putting plants in the patient's room can lower the patient's blood pressure and reduce levels of anxiety and fatigue.

In addition to adding to the aesthetics of the room, cactus plants have other benefits and uses.

Image source from Google.com

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1 year ago
