Benefits of Ginger, Lemongrass, and Lemon Tea for Health

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2 years ago

Red ginger which has the Latin name Zingiber Officinale Var Rubrum Rhizoma is a rhizome plant that we often encounter around us which is used as traditional medicinal plants and kitchen spices. Red ginger contains gingerol and shogaol as antioxidants.

Antioxidants are very important to fight inflammation caused by free radicals. In addition, ginger can boost the immune system. This spice has a dominant spicy taste, it is due to the presence of a ketone compound called zingeron.

In general, women have started menstruating since the age of 16 years, and will usually experience menopause (stopping menstruation) at the age of 49 years.

Menstruation is a monthly cycle experienced by women. This condition occurs because the fertilized egg should be able to attach to the thickened uterine wall. However, because there is no fertilization that occurs the thickened uterine wall eventually sheds and gives rise to menstrual blood.

During menstruation, women will feel pain in the lower abdomen caused by primary dysmenorrhea due to an increase in the hormone prostaglandin.

This hormone released by the uterus causes contractions and compresses the surrounding blood vessels. When a contraction occurs, the blood supply to the uterus is temporarily stopped.

Well, on this occasion I want to give information if red ginger can overcome pain during menstruation. The trick is to mix red ginger, lemongrass and lemon that has been dried and then soaked in boiling water. If you want to add a natural taste, you can add rosella flowers.

Material :

- 6 pieces of red ginger

- Lemon 3 slices

- Lemongrass 2 sticks

- Rosella (optional) 4 pieces

- Hot water

How to make :

- Peel the red ginger and wash it thoroughly. Cut the lemongrass stalk, also cut the lemon into 3 slices. Wash all ingredients, then dry. (if in the sun it can be 2-3 days, if in the oven it can be 2-3 hours)

- Boil water until it boils

- After boiling, put the rosella into the water, then also add the dried red ginger, lemongrass and lemon. Wait 15-20 minutes.

- Strain if you want to drink.

That's my personal experience, thank you for reading and please if you want to try it at home.

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Written by
2 years ago
