AUFIN The Best Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding Protocol in Crypto

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2 years ago


#Aufin Protocol is making decentralized finance (DeFi) friendlier and more accessible to everyday investors. One way they are doing this is through the #Aufin Autostaking Protocol which delivers a user-friendly, innovative approach to earning rewards that can be deposited into one's own portfolio and earn interest independently of any centralized payment system.

The #Aufin Autostaking protocol is designed to be friendly and accessible to new investors. By using AI technologies such as machine learning and deep reinforcement learning, it will make #Aufin certain of its role as the most profitable blockchain based investment platform in existence while regularly rewarding users. Along with its ongoing features, like payouts at any time, this is a platform which unlike others will ensure that you get the returns you need while keeping your investment safe and anonymous.
Aufin Protocol is revolutionizing #DeFi with the #Aufin Autostaking Protocol that offers the highest fixed APY, rebasing rewards every 10 minutes, and an intuitive buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio safely in your wallet.

#Aufin is founded on the basis of changing things for the better - literally. We are here to improve the lives of those around us by making them more financially secure and creating a means by which they'll be able to take care of themselves as well as their loved ones if need be.

#Aufin seeks to develop decentralized finance applications that will enable users to gain benefits from these services. Some of their service offerings have $AUN tokens as rewards for active participation or passive usage.


  • APY

  • Fees

  • Automatic Burn

  • Sustainable Rebasing

  • Insurance Fund

  • Auto-Liquidity

  • Auto-Staking

  • Fees Hard Coded

  • Auto-Staking Hard Coded

  • Rug-Proof: No Minting Code

  • Rug-Proof: No Manual Adjusting

  • Rug-Proof: Fixed Rebase Time

  • Rug-Proof: Liquidity Locked

  • Manual Token Buyback


  • LOW RISK WITH AUFIN INSURANCE : The #Aufin Insurance is a 5% risk buffer that is being used to help stabilize the price of tokens. It also helps to ensure that all stakers will receive their rewards, even if the market takes an unexpected dive.

  • EASY AND SAFE STAKING : With the #Aufin token, you will always have access to your tokens and be able to use them in your business as freely as you need at any given point on a 24/7 basis when required. All you have to do is buy & hold as you automatically receive rewards in your own wallet, which means there’s no more complicated staking processes necessary due to the fact that there are no pre-defined periods during which you can and cannot make transactions with the money in your account.

  • INTEREST YIELD WITH AUTOMATIC PAYMENT : You need not worry about staking your tokens because the automatic smart contract will handle everything for you. Interests are paid out automatically and are also compounded in your own wallet. Nothing could be easier!

  • HIGHEST FIXED APY : #Aufin rewards investors with the highest interest rate in all of decentralized finance, paying out interest of 480,419.00% in the first 12 months. The reward rate drops around an Epoch which is a special time that happens every 2,300 blocks or roughly every 21 hours on average.

  • RAPID INTEREST PAYMENT : The #Aufin Protocol pays every investor in its program daily. It’s the fastest compounding crypto program out there, as well as it is SAFE as payments are made using our trading bots and algorithms.

  • AUTO TOKEN BURN : One of the great things about #Aufin is The Fireplace - which is our token burning feature that automatically burns 2.5% of all tokens purchased on our exchange each and every transaction. Thus ensuring there's never a surplus amount of tokens on the market, and if there ever was, it would be flagrantly obvious by anyone with their eyes open that there's something fishy going not right!


Aufin uses a proprietary trading algorithm that affects Rebase Rewards. The algorithm is influenced by a percentage of the buy/sell trading fees generated in Aufin's BTC, ETH and NEM wallets.

The rebasing rewards, although capped at a rate of 0.01613% are backed by The Rebase Insurance which helps maintain the interest rates for $AUN tokens in the long run. Although this is nice to know, it isn’t always relatable to new token holders and so we could convey some more important points that sum up everything nicely.

When it comes down to it, the #Aufin Insurance saves members from the risk of getting caught in a flash crash. What makes us particularly effective is our protocol's ability to keep prices stable over time. Our commitment to sustainability and stability means that we will always have plenty of options for increase growth. We can also save members from drying up as our protocol is designed with individuals' best interests at heart and not to take advantage of them like other financial institutions might.


The Aufin Treasury is like a bank account but is specifically designed to protect the value of Aufin's Network Tokens. With it, we can rest assured that nothing will devalue Aufin's token and our existing bitcoin holdings in the process.

It's important to have a sense of humor when it comes to the market. While we don't expect the $AUN value to drop at all, having some money set aside for a rainy day can be a wise move for many reasons: - you may want to pay for an employee if you're in need of an additional resource but haven't had the time or desire to deal with recruiting so as per usual left it off your plate (refinement) - you may want to lock up some tokens as "skin in the game" as part of an ICO bonus structure (refinement) Yup, we get that long term trading isn't quite everyone's cup of tea. And while short-term trading can be dangerous because even seasoned traders can find themselves caught off guard by price swings and curveballs specifically directed right at their own money bags; setting aside budget room on behalf of your future self can help, as we like to call it, ball out with some extra cushion workin’ in your back pocket.

The community treasury is a pool of money that the Aufin whole community can vote upon on how to distribute it! The concept and idea for a treasury was first designed around three years ago. Since then, the community's treasury has been put to good use and has helped sustain the growth of many #Aufin products, services and projects. The treasury will continue to be used to fund new items that will expand not only the value of #Aufin but also assist in providing new major opportunities!


The Aufin Fireplace is a way of burning away or destroying a certain amount coins (2.5% of all transactions). As more transactions are created, the more coins are destroyed which means the circulating supply reduces and transactions become more valuable over time.

An everlasting burn of circulating supply means that the value of the token would automatically be worth more, due to its decreased quantity in circulation and increased demand.


#Aufin Auto-Liquidity will inject liquidity into the network. The first use case of our decentralized platform is to use $AUN as a method to unlock instant liquidity. On each exchange process, #Aufin collects small fees and directs that money automatically into an LP wallet. The management mechanism is built into the protocol's smart contract, which then takes 50% of those funds and buys BNB whenever needed automatically.

All remaining $AUN in the Auto-Liquidity Project (ALP) wallet will be used to purchase BNB, increasing the supply of BNB and thus raising its price. This method is known as market making, and is a common way for new and existing cryptocurrency exchanges to increase liquidity.

The #Aufin Auto-Liquidity will be performed every two days in order to add more and more liquidity to the pool. This way, $AUN token holders will be able to easily sell their tokens at any given time and avoid big market slumps which may indicate drops in value. The #Aufin Auto-Liquidity will also help maintain protocol stability so that the APY level is sustained throughout its entire lifetime.


APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield which represents your Earnings as a percentage of the total amount of investment. This number is used to measure how well your money is performing in these investments, measured against the total value of investment in a certain period. For example if you invest $AUN tokens, this means that the compound interest will be added periodically to your $AUN tokens during the rebase events so that way you can earn more and more collaterals.

The new amount of your #Aufin tokens you receive is calculated as follows: (your current #Aufin token balance X the chosen multiplier) + your current #Aufin token balance. Your new rebase rewards are calculated based on the final number of #Aufin tokens you have multiplied by the chosen multiplier.


Because compounding interest is a very powerful way to augment your gains from a savings or investment, it's important to incorporate when making decisions regarding wealth-building. To illustrate this thought process, imagine one person who saves $4 each day for 30 days for a grand total of $120 and another person who saves the same amount but their plan compound over 6 months with the same interest rate:


$AUN is a Bep20 token which rewards its holders with automatic passive interest payments every 10 minutes over the lifespan of 12 years 8 months 26 days 3 hours 30 minutes until the maximum supply of 10 Billion tokens has been reached.

  • NO TEAM TOKENS - The Aufin Team will NOT hold any tokens. The only tokens owned by the Treasury will be collected via accumulating trading fees. We are committed to the longevity of the project and thus the $AUN team cannot dump on you.

  • NO EXTRA MINT OR HIDDEN TOKENS - The $AUN smart contract has NO ability to mint extra tokens nor can the supply be manually increased or used in an artificial way to change the initial supply by awarding ourselves free tokens. The initial supply is 1,000,000 tokens only.

  • NO RUG PULL - Liquidity will be locked for 12 years via trusted network which cannot be touched or released early. (This means that you as a token holder will ALWAYS have the freedom to buy/sell whenever you like without restrictions or complications - your tokens that you buy are yours and remain in your wallet always and are never 'locked').

  • NO BOTS - All front run and sniper bots will be instantly blocked by the Aufin smart contract by the blacklist feature. Our smart contract cannot block normal wallets, only contracts ie bots.


When you do a trade as an investor, on average you'll need to pay 16% of your trade value in transaction costs (known as "takers' fees)." The lower fee structure we have here at Aufin gives us the ability to return 480,419.00% annually to our investors' credit accounts.


  • The Aufin Insurance....5%

  • The Aufin Treasury....2.5%

  • The Aufin Fireplace....2.5%

  • The Aufin Auto-Liquidity.....4%


  • The Aufin Insurance....5%

  • The Aufin Treasury.....4.5%

  • The Aufin Fireplace....2.5%

  • The Aufin Auto-Liquidity......4%


Phase 1

  • Website Development

  • Whitepaper Documentation

  • Deploy Smart Contract

  • Pre-launch Marketing

Phase 2

  • PR Marketing

  • Airdrop Campaign

  • Bounty Campaign

  • Fair Launch on PinkSale

  • PinkLock Liquidity Locked 12.5 years

  • CoinMarketCap Listing

  • CoinGecko Listing

  • 5,000 Token Holders

  • 10,000 Token Holders

  • 15,000 Token Holders

  • 20,000 Token Holders

  • 25,000 Token Holders

  • 50,000 Token Holders

  • 100,000 Token Holders

  • 250,000 Token Holders

  • 500,000 Token Holders

  • 10 Million Market Cap

  • 25 Million Market Cap

  • 50 Million Market Cap

  • 100 Million Market Cap

  • 200 Million Market Cap

  • 300 Million Market Cap

  • 400 Million Market Cap

  • 500 Million Market Cap

  • 1 Billion Market Cap

  • Cross-Chain Integration

  • Partnerships

Phase 3

  • Building Aufin Blockchain - A Complete DeFi Multi-Chain Solution

  • Become a Leading Top 10 MarketCap Cryptocurrency

  • 100 Billion Market Cap


Aufin Protocol is a protocol that allows users to generate sustainable fixed compound interest on their assets. It does this by using Ethereum smart contracts to allow users to hold their assets in the #Aufin Wallet, where the protocol will generate interest automatically. The protocol will use Ethereum blockchain technology to allow users to generate sustainable fixed compound interest.



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Written by
2 years ago
