During time, life and reality

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3 years ago
Topics: Time, Life, Reality

During time, life and reality

Is rich in various branches of Bangladesh's literature, through new ideas, creation and industry. In the early eighteenth decades and early nineties, the reader-critics-writer's thoughts were that the short story is dead? But the recent storytelling is to notice its exception. Many people gave birth to new wonders for almost two decades. Shahin Akhtar has been writing stories as well as novels for almost two decades. The subject of his story, the environment and characters appeared in front of the reader with vitality. His storytellers never tired of the reader. The contemporary reader does not matter to be an easy thing to stand in the individual characteristics. Because, in many cases, the remote light of samatom is exposed in many cases. But Shahin Akhtar exceptions can be said that his story is in the distinctive glory of creation. Shining parables in determining the character of his distinctive artisans in his separation. The story of this story is 10. The stories are - 'Sheis', 'Taj Mahal', 'Akhakan', 'Handapakha', 'Ashtan', 'Love is coming again', 'Snake, Husband, Ashhalata and We', 'Makeup Box', 'Five Cots' During his story, society, state, politics, citizen environment, citizen Manolok, rural and citizen character touched the reality of different color and life of life in such a way - which revealed his own kindness and creativity. 'Shis' is the city of a look of the story of the story; There is also a rural life, but it is very small, in the relevant. Citizen mentality, civil prince of citizen life, citizen privacy, the citizen of citizen, and many people cherishes that with very affection - these are the presence of 'Shais' in the story of 'Shais'. It is very appealing to the way the university hall and the family relations of the university's hall and the family relations in the university's hall and miracle, it is very appealing and we learn to think new. Amiron is the daughter of the village. Dad is a footpath businessman. Mao ordinary housewife. After the girls who came to the University of Dhaka from the village, the girls could not discover the citizen degeneration, citizen's critical citizens, the citizen of citizen, citizens, and the citizen of the citizen could not discover the citizen of citizens, culture and citizens of the hall. In the case of the author's description, 'We just knew that the grass carpet wrapped in the Ramna Park, whose side of the ministers of the ministers of the ministers. There was no known whether the villa, enthusiasthan Niden Catz-Totz surrounding Dhaka. Outside the unseen world, it is exclusive of our old Qatan Benarasi-Occupied Farocular. 'But the exception of that exception is Meera. Mira's conduct of the leader of the Hall and the behavior of the hall, the citizen of the hall of metrical and the citizens of the citizens seek elegant life. But Mira tried to discover the truth of his bridal life - when he crashed in physical violence by her husband. With the husband of the husband, Mira is seen in the house of the single house, there is also a meeting with Amiran. At the age of the time before the university is in the university's hall. The story of the story of Mira and Emiron also mentioned the time of the identity - '... touch the eighties of the seventies.' The description of the way Mira discovered Aminar was very appropriate. Because, Amiran came from an agoragagaon. The description was mentioned, 'Amiran then there was a grass in the smell of the flavored brickpace hallate, the scenes were hidden. Then float when whale is like a fish .... 'Other girls in political chasmas have taken excesses of the extra opportunities - they also exceed the emergence of the emergency or emergency. The companion is a senior girl of his leader. In the words of the writer, 'without getting any leafy leafy, there is a new team.' In a few days, the students of the halls know that 'Amiron is an old minister's guardian. One day the minister went out in the heart. A coal-colored tuit is his vehicle. 'A mama of Amiran's villagal introduced with the minister. He is the chairman of that area. Amiran's mother did the loser to him - the girl in Dhaka was arranged for a job. If you can not come out of time, then the leader of the Hall of the hall. Hondawala Gangster team Amiran did not have to burn in the tongue. Amiron should not be in the book of Telola, a drop of water, which would not have been in the book. But after the death of the old minister, the leader of Amiran drove out of his room. It was not possible to return to the four seatwoman room of the Amiran. As a result, he did not want to go to the second year of the second year, he had to go to his village home again. He was also able to sign the old man in the village. After marriage to the DC's Shaelock Amiron, Amiran again married, and Amiran again lived in the flatbari of her husband in Dhaka. Mira rented a room for the flat of the flatbari of Amiran's flatbari. And at this stage, the bridal relationship between Mirah's bridal relationship and Emiron, in the case of social life, many inconsistencies in the socialization of men and women are not desirable for both. Especially in this case, Mirah's bridal relationship is very critical. Where the equilibration and equivalent of equality of women and prolves seem to be far away. The story of the war of liberation is 'five crows and a freedom fighter'. It is not a traditional trend as a story of the war of liberation. There is no truth in this story of life, the story of war, the truth is not in the hands of a freedom fighter or guerrilla war in the hands of a friend, but also a freedom fighter has come up in the story - a few people who live in the lives of some people, Exception is just the father of the storyteller. Due to a buri-fashion named Bobi, a Buryi Bobby, a barrack-chicken takes ahead of sales to the top of Sadar. But the Pak army picked up the chicken from his cocles and kicked it on the ground. Following the cuisine sound of Deraki, I can reach the Army camp. There he saw Shabbir Hossain to write the names of six more of the names of Abbas and Abbas of Army. Students of the Chamber Hossain Madrasa and the teacher of the narrator's father Abbar Halaki Losing Master. During the quhabeta war, where there is no time in the morning, the news of the news can not be abused, but the Bobby, on the sources of selling chickens, and he saw him in the army camp. On returning from the hats, five crows saw flying over his head. Apart from the father of the speech, everyone was able to reach the news. Five crows fly in the symbol of evil signal and a freedom fighter plays a role as a freedom fighter. Nem's life saved through the sacrifice of six people and sports. The writer's description is noteworthy, 'Three twenty years of Bobi with the Baby Jib, cut a little bit of a lot of screaming. Today he is very successful. Without his father, the six of the listir ran away from his dumb words. Now it can not think of the bobby lying on the alphabet, Deraki. Whom he has searched all day longer, or whom you have to return home. The road to the house of the father and the road to return to the crow. Abba changed the way. ... he got up in brick streets to go to the headquarters. There is a cobby Hossain. Without a reward in the last five years, he gave a donkey in the face, will not he save him in this frightful? ... is not going to be till the father of the house. ... in front of him, the soil is a random army. Due to increasing the distance between the two parties, the father turned into a sequence in the direction. In the words of the bullets, Surma Bobby shakes up. Surprisingly, the cribs do not fly in the afternoon, do not even sound. Five crows surrounded by the old body of the owl standing down. Water in their eyes. 'Poetry has been written about the death penalty. The story was not relatively less. But there is its own view of every poet and storyteller or other writer in the thought or thinking. Rabindranath Tagore emphasized the value of human life in the light of his story, and expressed his assurance in the spirit. As a result of the death of Shahin Akhtar, it can be realized by the story of 'Amarlo with sister'. The story also reminds the bone consciousness. Shahin Akhter wants to realize its existence through the death. Many people want to exist in this way even after death. And hopeful to think and establish the dead as Amiralok. But the field of thought is his dreamground. If people are lonely, if the human life is lonely lonely, the death of death is normal. But the dream of dreaming that the writer of random is revealed from the authors. However, the story of the story asked the immortality of the sister's immortality. I mention the quote, what to do! What do you think? Come. I want to live, apa! Chat to live? And everyone wants. No one wants I study. I want to read. If you want to read, read it. But do you live? I can not live? No, nobody lives Johnny John. What else Oh! The expansion of the dream in the dream is probably a unity - in the beginning and end, although many inconsistencies are inconsistent. A lot of thought of random. The beginning of the story and the last spatial unity: The spatial description of the arrival of small sisters at the beginning of the story: Lazaz burning the street where the digestion is going on in the dark ground, my younger sister gets up in five feet. If you came to see the rickshaws of the streetlight or rickshaw street, I would see exactly if I came. I stand on the porch of the street from that afternoon. The spatial description of the story out of the last part of the story: Surprise, we do not need to break down the staircase from five and a half steps. What is it done. Do not dream! ... we are walking in the soft light of the morning. And as if my two-year-old frock-wearing of my adolescence, the younger sister, who will go with me, agreed to mother and father from home. Now the difference is that as before and no longer my hand. I can not touch him. As a lonely black statue, without me, there is no legs forward, there is no back, and there is a foot in the same rhythm. What is the reason for this disguise, why and the masks have not been able to go out, but not to go out! Think of these things where the road is lame, we come to its tunnel. People are lonely, but the duality is in consciousness. But inner feeling that the consequences of the single person, presented the story of his vision in this way, 'The ineffectual cavalry in front of the face. On the side of the bamboo poles, a bulb of light light is burning. And jump in the pregnancy of the first tunnel. Immediately I jump. This is the obstacle that, I roll in the field. I was so scared that I could not ask 'where we are going'. The voice of my bono from far away, so that I was shocked to my throat and hit the wall on the wall, the sound of the mosquito - Amaralo. 'In his story, there are many different tendencies in his story. Folklore is one of the trends. The story written by his Folklore in 'Handaphakha'. In many ways in the direction of Netrokona Folkona of Mikmasing lyrics in the tradition. One of the most important elements of the people 'habitat' for the aircraft in a simple way. And in this 'Handaphava', Nakshi has not been involved in the Netrokona region, has been involved in the folk-rich material, the word, poetry string. Fupa of the story of the story was in the Netrokona in the service. But in 1945, when his died died in 1945, the father's father went to Netrokona at the age of 16. Due to the help of eight or ten hours in Netrokona, the owner of the Islamia library was buried in Netrokona with the help of the Ownership of the Islamia Library. Fuper brought a handpiece with his father in the way of coming from Netrokona. The handpiece was written in colorful yields, 'Witnesses also came to the house of the Hijl trees and the hope of the mind.' Netrokona is experienced in the traditional place of the folk culture and the story of the story of the story and the story of the story and the story of the story is coming back to the traditional By the way, poet Maalandu Quality, Golam Ershadur Rahman, artist Anore, Maula, Maola fans of women-in the chest of women and the design of the chest, made their mention of the description of the design. After a whore, after killing his body is buried till some inhuman events - immediately with human events. The story 'makeup box' about these events. After being killed by a whore called Mala, her sister's garment worker Mallika Hospital agreed to the house and buried the body and buried the body. But Mallika also knows that the body of the prostitute does not burial, float in the river. He will grave her Akaksaka Sahodara. So in the night, some of the cities ran in the city's graveyard. The writer's description was mentioned, 'The first hour of that night was called rain, the moon in the sky became the moon, the cloud called the cloud. But in the climate of cloud-rain-jurja, Mallika gets the same answer from every graveyard. ... the body that is a prostitute ... from a distance, huge public in front of the gate. Hat in the head of the people and the hand is great. They will stop the head, in the prison, Mallika can understand clearly in the light of this first day - yet they will not leave three and a half hands for a slut girl. He forgot his work. Diversified and 'areolated' people, in Shahin Akhtar's stories. As a result, the story is written by the tradition with heritage, but the inconsistency of life in life with time has been created in a new industry.

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3 years ago
Topics: Time, Life, Reality
