#ChinaFaces One-legged man and his wife plant over 300,000 trees for lovers in five years
Xu Shijun lost his leg in a car accident in August last year. But it has not stopped him from planting trees for lovers all over China. He and his wife Alatenghua have been planting trees since 2014. They first grew trees that could fill up to eight standard soccer fields by using their own money. As they indulged themselves in this new hobby to improve the environment, they were invited by a non-profit organization to plant trees for netizens. Having planted over 300,000 trees, Xu wishes to continue until they can accomplish making a forest, and his wife agrees with him. 😍 As an expression of his gratitude, he planted one more tree for his own love for Alatenghua on Chinese Valentine's Day.
It is working very hard.