I would have wanted to write about crypto related matters but words escape me because I still lack a lot of knowledge regarding crypto-related matters and that I have not researched well yet. I could always write, I could always research but it is conviction that I would like to possess by the time I will be writing about that topic.
In this regard i would like to take it slow and just free write about anything that is happening within my life. You may have noticed that my name is rich mind but it does not necessarily mean that I am only aspiring for a rich status. I like it more to have a rich mind an enriched mind at that and be able to do many things that are good and creative.
Allow me then to continue my writing journey. From here on I know that i will now be part of the community.
My upcoming articles will be personal, mostly relating to my interest. I will try to make it as entertaining and as a good read as much as possible to make it worth your time reading my works.
I am truly grateful to have experienced writing in this platform. i would like to experience as well what the other writers are experiencing with regards to what they are receiving. No one will know for sure if I will be having the luck as well but it will not hurt to try.
By the way I have read many articles here already. It's just nice and motivating to read the works of others and you are more motivated to write your own and showcase whatever skill you have or whatever talent you could share to others.
It is really weird that once i hold my pen or that I put my fingers on the keypad of the laptop that I begin to type like a mad woman.
I know I am lacking a lot of discipline not but we will go there someday. It's good to dream about being able to write a lot of things and just dreaming about that is making you motivated enough to write your own whatever they are.
When it comes to language or voice that you are using to write, it really depends on who you have already mingled with or who you have been talking to before. Your mom maybe your dad may be your friend your relatives some random guy you met on the way and whoever it is a whoever he or she or they whom you talked with. But of course it does not eliminate the fact that the people you choose to mingle with are those who resonate with you. In short or in conclusion you still choose whom you mingle with. It depends on how you feel about people, who you prefer to talk to or socialize with.
Why do you think you love some books while you are bored with others? Why do you think you can easily read long novels however long they are but you can not even read or finish a paragraph in a short article?
Again you choose those whom you resonate with. That's the easier or easiest explanation for that.
One of the perks of the situation we are in right now is that we get to use all those gaps from one activity to another to either write or take coffee or exercise a little or weed that garden that you have always wanted to clean.
I am really glad writing in this platform and most of all I am writing here because I am hoping for rewards in BCH! Well, who doesn't like BCH? With a lot of positive reviews you hear about, you have no choice but to want to try the platforms as well (read and noise).
I have no plan yet of activating the sponsors block but I will be sponsoring other users. I am really excited writing some more but I will stop here first and I hope that you have at least picked up one or two things from the those that i have said.