5 pcs firm bananas
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
3 cups ice water
2 tbsp salt
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup white sugar
1. Add 1 tbsp salt and turmeric into the ice water.
2. Peel banana and slice it using a mandolin, place sliced bananas in the ice water mixture.
3. Keep bananas in water for 10 minutes then drain.
4. Lay bananas in a heavy duty paper towel to remove excess water.
5. Prepare oil for deep frying.
6. Prepare salt water by mixing 1 tbsp of salt with 1 tbsp of water.
7. Deep fry the bananas until crisp. Place only few slices at a time to avoid overcrowding. Once bananas are nearly done pour salt water into the oil (warning this will splatter).
8. Remove the bananas and drain excess oil. Set aside in a heavy duty paper towel to remove excess oil.
9. In a sauce pan mix together the syrup ingredients then let it boil, simmer until it thickens around 2/3 of the original volume.
10. Remove syrup from heat then dip banana chip sin the syrup. Place chips in a wire rack to drain excess liquid. Set aside and let it dry.
11. When it's totally dried store in an airtight container.