Elon Musk wants to delete Twitter and Tiktok.

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1 year ago

After successfully acquiring Twitter, Twitter's new boss, Elon Musk, plans to make a big splash. One of these plans is to open up opportunities for content creators on their platform to make money like content creators on the YouTube platform.

The platform that currently provides income for its content creators is YouTube. No wonder there are not a few YouTubers who earn billions through the YouTube platform. YouTube reveals how content creators can earn from their platform, namely by joining the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) and having to meet several conditions.

"YouTube's main source of revenue comes from advertising." "With ads, businesses can target relevant audiences and grow their business and brand," YouTube said, as quoted from the official website. "Currently, revenue from YouTube Premium subscription fees is distributed to creators based on the portion of their content watched by subscribers," the YouTube platform wrote on its official website.

Elon Musk's plan to open up opportunities for content creators on his platform to make money began with a tweet from one of the netizens on Twitter, which was then responded to by the new Twitter boss.

"Twitter must find a way to compensate and  monetize its partners with its top content creators." like every other social media app. "A small part creates all the high-engagement content and keeps the site active," tweeted the @ZubyMusic account.

Then, this new Twitter boss also responded by commenting on the account's tweet with the words "absolutely." However, Elon Musk has not provided details about the monetization of his platform.

It is worth waiting for the breakthrough of this new Twitter boss. What do you think?

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