What does Ralph Breaks The Internet have to do with NFT’s?

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3 years ago

What does Ralph Breaks The Internet have to do with NFT’s?

Note: This article may contain spoilers for the Ralph Breaks the Internet Movie.

NFT = Non Fungible Token

I love this movie, and so does my 5 year old. However, watching it for the millionth time, I finally noticed something,

The movie gives a basic explanation of NFT’s without even realising it

In the movie, Ralph and Vanellope have to get money together to pay for their eBay bid on a steering wheel for the Sugar Rush game, they meet up with a shady underground character called Spamley that sells “loot” online on his website for people in the real world to bid on and buy.

This is where my eyebrows raised, as they are going through the little job cards for loot to find, it’s mostly “common” items that are low in value. *THESE ARE NFT’S*
Look at your favourite blockchain games, there are plenty of items that you can blockchainize or add to your wallet and trade that are pretty common items.

But, what about Shank’s car? Shank is a boss character in the Slaughter Race MMO game in the movie, and her car is pretty sought after. The impression I got from this is that her car is a rare item, so rare that it’s the only one in the game’s existence of it’s traits. Which is why the price tag to get it is so high and not far from the realism of some NFT items.

Shank’s car is an NFT that can only be owned by ONE player at a time and is incredibly difficult to get a hold of.

The only thing left is to figure out what blockchain this game would have been on xD

What are your thoughts?

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3 years ago
