Because love ends

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2 years ago

Hello friends from Read.Cash greetings and blessings.

Today talking with an old and dear friend, I was taken by surprise when she told me that she wanted to divorce, I was shocked after so many years of marriage, going through so many storms is hard to believe.

We started talking, well, actually, she was talking, I was just listening to her reason, needless to say, I know it, and while she was talking, this question came to mind. What makes love for our partner end?

What makes love for our partner end? And I remembered a book that in a moment of law storm and which, I recommend, is called The Five Languages ​​of Love, Author: Gary Chapman.

I believe that love must be cultivated every day, couple relationships go through many stages and if we are not careful we run the risk of running out of our love tank.

The first stage that we live is that of falling in love, here we only show the best, our best attitude, and as we only want to please there are no objections or claims, everything is rosy.

We strive to know and understand how we fill our partner's love tank, making everything easier and more bearable.

But when we already achieve the objective that is to captivate and we feel safe, we begin to show ourselves as we are, and discord, strife, mistrust, and routine begin to arrive, we begin to empty our tank, more however in some cases love it is stronger and manages to tolerate some things, while in another it just ends.

Couples must have an emotional connection, no matter how long they have been together, when we create abysses in our relationship, it is when doubts, anguish, fear arrive and we completely lose reasoning, and in that precise moment we think that the best thing is that everything ends.

It is not necessary to focus only on the negative attitudes of the couple, surely you have more virtues than defects, and when we emphasize those virtues we begin to change our gaze since we see again with the eyes of love, and we begin to fill our tank.

We must be sincere and recognize the areas in which it is necessary to work to maintain a good relationship, and offer quality time, and that during absences our tank of love is filled.

We cannot let the storms accumulate until they form a hurricane, it is necessary to listen to what is bothering the couple and if corrective measures can be taken to repair the tank.

In some moments misunderstandings will arrive, hurting our hearts, we just have to be flexible and drain (forgive) not let those negative feelings embitter our lives, just be happy, forgive and release, God takes care of the rest.

In some moments misunderstandings will arrive, hurting our hearts, we just have to be flexible and drain (forgive) not let those negative feelings embitter our lives, just be happy, forgive and release, God takes care of the rest.

And finally, the moments of intimacy should not be lost, no matter how much time you have together, it is necessary that this connection is maintained, of course, it may not be with the same intensity, but it is important to keep that connection active.

Song 2:4 "My beloved...set his banner of love over me."

Well I say goodbye, thanking you for reading my post, with much desire for success and blessings, and hoping you like it.

Author: @RewarderCrypto

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2 years ago
