Introduction Rémil Gresenbach

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2 years ago

A warm welcome to myself. :)

I'm new here, but not new to blogging. While I can write about a huge array of topics, I find it difficult to write about myself. So egoistic, me thinks. My interests are vast, and I'm both well-read and well-traveled. So how about I remain kind of anonymous, and you figure me out by reading through my many posts on several blogging platforms? Somewhere, on one of them, I did write a lengthy About Me, but looking back it was more of a rant against religion and the damage that mental disease causes.

Oh, that's worth mentioning: I'm a huge atheist, and damn happy about it. I believe what science can prove, and question everything else. That of course clashes directly with all religions that discourages and even forbid the wonderful question mark, and so I regularly clash with the people spreading that mental Aids. I also happen to be a general in the biggest prison gang in Facebook Jail.

I want to keep this post short, so let me just say this: If you have lost a loved one during your lifetime, including a beloved pet, or if you are concerned about climate change and overpopulation… blame religion.

Religion kept science back for between 500 and 1500 years, so much so that doctors that questioned the Church's claim that blood only circulates once through the body before disappearing into a magical fountain, were burned alive. For real. And don't you dare question the Church's claim that the sun is dragged every day through the sky by a man on horsecart. Seriously, people were forced to believe shit like that, without a scrap of evidence.

The same fate befell everyone else that dared to ask scientifically-oriented questions. Women that refused to sleep with men were accused of being witches, and up in flames they went too. Till today, many women believe they are inferior and only good to serve men, thanks to religious books preaching that nonsense. The magnificent mathematician Pythagoras was forced to drink a glass of poison. Galileo Galilei got lifetime arrest and wasn't allowed to spoke to anyone ever again. And more.

The damage religion caused — and still do — is immeasurable. Also, I may have a fatwa from a brain-damaged superstitious little ape against me, therefore my attempt to remain somewhat anonymous.

You have seen how much progress medical science had made in just the last 100 years. The same science that convincingly disproved at least half of the ridiculous claims in the Bible and Quran, and therefore discrediting those two disgusting books of junk. Where do you think science will be over, say, 50 years?

Imagine where we would have been if we had that extra 15 centuries as well. Cures for cancer, cures for viruses, safer cars, no climate change, no overpopulation, no poverty, no one million extinct fauna and flora the past 45 years. Religion robbed us of that all. Hence my utter contempt towards products of incest that still in our day and age peddle fables as facts. Even when I get to nine hundred years of age on my magic boat, I'll never understand that.

You'll notice some of my articles are in my first language, Afrikaans. The world's most poetic, descriptive, beautiful language indeed. Just such a pity that a significant percentage of Afrikaans-speaking South Africans spell like their foefenjols, and are unable to express themselves properly in the language they're supposed to think with to find solutions. I'll be blogging about those retards too, maybe it will get them to pay attention to their cultural heritage and start protecting it under their incompetent corrupt government.

Now you'll understand why my English sometimes suck, especially tenses. I have a few books under four pseudonyms that sell fairly well on (at?) digital book stores — gotta love those royalties! — and that's thanks to proofreaders that checked my manuscripts over first before publication. No such wonderful people assist with my blogging.

I emigrated from South Africa in 2017 when I got [EU citizenship]( I was a white Afrikaner; now I'm not an Afrikaner anymore, although I'm probably more white. Damn, I do miss the African sunshine and open spaces, but not the heavily religious people and stupidity and criminal mindsets that come with religion. I may be writing on this blog about some stuff in Europe, but especially politics are really boring here when compared to that of South Africa. No, the Ruskies won't overrun us, I spoke to my buddy Vladimir in the top-secret bunker we timeshare.

Like a few of my other blogs, this one will deal a lot with South African affairs, and what I found on Facebook. I still have a lot of friends and some business interests there, and emigration does not mean one should cut all ties, right. I am using a proxy server or two in South Africa, this way I'm fooling Google and Facebook to ensure I get news from there.

From now on I will be focusing more on blogging, particularly on blockchain networks. I will cover a broad range of topics, basically, anything that catches my fancy that day. This blog, like half of my others, is not a niche blog with a specific subject.

The term “devil’s advocate'” amuses me, as I often write about the other side of the story that tends to be unpopular with especially narrow-minded people. While people tend to look with sympathy at the underdog, they don't always like it when one sketches the picture from said underdog's woof. I feel before one can judge something, someone, or a situation, one first needs to see all sides of it. I adopted as my slogan ‘The real imaginary devil's advocate', and the irony in there is obvious.

My name is spelled with the acute accent mark on the ‘e’, but many just type Remil Gresenbach without it, and that's fine with me too. Search engines deliver completely different results though, an interesting way to ‘hide’ online.

My articles and posts — is there a difference? — may upset or humor or teach you, but it likely won't bore you. It will be worth your time to follow this blog.

There's a specific reason why I occasionally write about computer hacking, but more about that in a future post.

#introduction #introduceyourself #intro-post #atheist #atheism #religion #remil #gresenbach #self


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2 years ago
