Value of life

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Written by
2 years ago

Hi everyone this is my article last month. But it seems I'm not good on it, so i try to edit this time and tried my best to do this again. This article base on my observation on what happening right now.

This year of 2020-2021 billion of people suffered with this Pandemic world wide. No country had been exempted of this covid 19 or corona virus.

And because of this pandemic our beloved country the Philippines got the top 20 on it. So we should be careful where ever we go. Thinking the safety of our self, family and also the others. Due to this pandemic there's a lot of Negative impact that can affect our daily life.

1. People are stayed at home.

People should stayed at home as what the government instructions to avoid the situation become worst or to avoid the spreading of virus. Stay at home can help everyone and our own families.

2. Social Distancing.

People are practicing 1-2 metre distancing to avoid also the spreading of viruses. Specially to those people going outside to look some foods or people who are still working at this pandemic situation some of these are working in government stablishment.

3. Lost of Job.

Due to lost of job or work or losing their source of income in a day. There's a lot of Filipino suffered of hunger , some of this Filipino had their own family to feed. Because of these filipino who lost their jobs asking for help to others. We can't denied the fact that this is a sad scenario to see this everyday.

Jeepney drivers serving the Monumento-Malabon route beg for money along the road in Caloocan City on August 8, 2020 amid the modified enhanced community quarantine. The drivers return to begging under MECQ after their route and other select routes were previously allowed to operate under GCQ. Mark Demayo, ABS-CBN News

But beside of all of these situation goverment still looking with a solution. They gave some "ayuda" to the most poor people. Like nangangalakal ng Basura, Trisikad driver , motorcycle driver and jeepney drivers. In order help thier beloved people.

But the ayuda given are not enough to fulfill everyday living of people. So some people or Filipino had learned to handle and manage there time on how they can support their families.

Thanks also to the internet even phone now can be use to look some online jobs or phone can be use through online selling. And there's a lot of Flatform that can be a source of income not totaly but it can add to some source of income in everyday living.

But aside of some positive thinker there's another negative effect for us. Because of these pandemic some people feel more stress or suffered how to adjust. Some people work more than the hours of duty in everyday. Some accept over time to get more money.

So we should take care of our self. Yes! we got a lot of income. But what if we got sick? We can't gain more income anymore. So better wise , we should know that "Health is Wealth".

So because of this pandemic we should also learn how to manage our self. Like to take some place that refreshing. Manage time properly. Enjoy life and cherish everything.

Thank you for reading I hope you like it.

Just comment down If there'something to improve on my article.


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Avatar for Rel28
Written by
2 years ago


I commend you for wanting to improve your writing skills. However, even as you claim to have edited this article, there are still many lapses and you will need to edit more to clean it up. I hope you won't mind... I will chose one section and edit it. The edits are in parenthesis:

  1. People are stayed at home. (People must stay home)

People should stayed at home as what the government instructions to avoid the situation become worst or to avoid spreading the virus. Stay at home can help everyone and our own families..

(People should stay home, following government instructions to prevent further transmission of the virus. By staying home you not only protect yourself and your family from infection but also other people in the community.)

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2 years ago