Anime refers to Animation created in Japan. Anime is a success in Japan that even carved it's nation name to the word "Anime". When we talk about anime, the first thing that comes to your mind will probably be Gundam, Voltes V, Daimos and many more classic anime that are famous at early 90's. But when exactly is the first anime created.
After the Second World War is also the rise of Anime industry in Japan. Animated films begin in 1948. And the very first Coloured Animated film is;
Hakujaden (The Tale of the White Serpent)
It is created by the company we know today as Toei Animations. It is a 78 minute film premiered on 1958. And also released after 3 years in America. It is true that It rises in anime industry as the very first coloured anime film but it is not what we are looking for.
Osamu Tezuka's Tetsuwan Atom (Astro Boy)
This anime is always miscredited as the first anime created.It is true that this anime belongs to old era, exactly aired in television on January 1,1963. Although it can be considered old anime because it became so popular around the world, it is not the first anime ever created.
Until now it is not clear what is the first anime ever existed. The only one in record right now is;
Katsudō Shashin (活動写真, Moving Picture)
It is a 3 second looped film likely produced between 1907-1911. It is created only using chalk manually drawn and erased as they capture every frame using camera. It's story is all about a sailor boy writing the kanji "活動写真", turns and remove his hat as he salute to the audience. The creator is still unknown (sad part, he's a legend) and this anime is created for private viewing instead of releasing to the public.
Anime begins a Century ago but still gaining popularity around the world up to now.
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