Best and Worst Gambles in Kakegurui

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3 years ago
Topics: Anime

Kakegurui is a unique anime. Its all about gambling but what it focuses more is the reactions of gamblers after getting satisfied with gambling mostly their life is at risk. The character design is on another level especially their school uniform. And the characters itself is just well made.

The story is good but how about the gambling in this anime? Which one is good and which one is bad that full of holes and can easily be beaten. For short not made properly.

Good Gambles

So lets start with good ones. This gambles is really well made. Although there are cheating in this anime, but with this games it looks more fairer and bring the true madness of the characters for gambling.

  • Nim Type Zero

One of my favorite gamble in Kakegurui. Its simple yet fair. And whats more interesting is it relies more at your decision making. The players (which composed of four) are dealt with 4 card each. This card can contain numbers ranging from 0 to 3. All they need to do is play the card by declaring one of your card. The next player will do the same and the number of your card will be added. The game continue until you've reached the total value of 9 and if it happened that you've put a card which gives a total of more than 9, you'll lose your bet. In anime it is also one of the most dangerous. You need to prick your self in the needle with poison if you lose and the antidote is placed as a chip worth 100 chips.

  • Indian Poker

This looks complicated if you've watched the anime. But honestly it is one of the wittiest gambles in Kakegurui. It is also called "Blind Man's Bluff" in real life. Each player will be given a card which only them can see. Then another one will be dealt but this time they can't see this and must be put in their forehead which others can see. The pair is the highest value followed by suit and the worst one is pig. It may looks simple but what makes this good gamble in Kakegurui is the betting system and on how they played the game. It was a pretty good tricks which defeated their opponents without actually broken the rules and cheating.

  • Tarot Cards of Fate

This one shouldn't be canon at all. It didn't happen in manga and all I can say is its actually not bad for original idea. The rules is very simple. If the score is positive, Yumeko wins but if negative Kirari is the winner. With a deck of tarot cards the three players must take turns to open 1 card. This game is purely based on luck. It may not be canon but still this game is very interesting.

Worst Gamble

This gambles in Kakegurui is obviously worst. Very not balanced and can be easily broken because of some loopholes.

  • Finger Cutting Guillotine

Seriously this game is obviously fake. Who would've believe that the gamemaster herself would take the risk without some insurance. There should be a stopper which they actually used against the creator to be defeated. The rules is simple. The players must put their fingers in the guillotine. Then they take turns to cut the strings that are currently connected in the blade. If someone take their fingers off, they lose. Its obviously a fake but still the thrill is very interesting.

  • Hundred Votes Auction

Just like "Tarot Cards of Fate" this one is also not canon. But unlike the first one this is very disappointing. The game can easily be broken. The rules is just like a normal auction. The participants will bid for the price of 100 points. But for the twist, other bids made except for the winner will go the auctioneer. It sounds like the participants are destroying each other and the true winner is the auctioneer. The game can actually be beaten easily if they talk with each other and just bid 1 votes and others wont contest. They can easily win 100 votes with only 1 vote price.

  • Top Idol Championship

This cant be even consider as gamble. I would rather call this competition with money at stake. The game is decided clearly by audience and not by their gambling skills. Well this gamble isn't actually bad because this is where we can see Yumeko perform. But with the sense of gambling. This is just the worst.

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This anime takes gambling into another level. The live action is also good. Occasionally anime watchers might not like this. But for those who can clearly understand gambling or how gambling works, this is just a fun experience.

$ 4.14
$ 4.09 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Nyctofiles
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3 years ago
Topics: Anime


It caught my interest and I badly want to watch it but my time don't want to.

I suggest article topic which is anime that made you cry or sad(gonna write about it too) . I haven't seen an article of yours about this. I'm curious and also as a form of recommendation.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

haha idk they got anime post here well anthing can happen XD

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3 years ago