The Tryst

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Pre-pandemic, us friends used to get together whatever free time we could squeezed out from our tight schedules: work, business, school, family, communities. These bondings will bring us up to date with everyone's life. During these meet ups, activities vary from merely talking, joking around, cooking, eating, enjoying coffee, trying out new teas or road tripping.

During this pandemic, despite the abundance of time we already seldom if not never see each other because just like the good citizens we are, we also want to observe health protocols in order to flatten the curve. Today's holiday courtesy of our Muslim brethrens' observance of the Islamic New Year brings back memories of our sleep-overs and what-have-yous.

The one time we've decided to take a break from the monotony of self imposed seclusions, the gang decided to have a sleep over and just let it roll from there. The easy banter that ensued over the wide selection of food had left us teary-eyed with laughter and still gossipping till the wee hours of the morning.

And the road trip that followed brought us to the most visited beaches of quarantine-bored populace. It also helped us scoured plants to indulge just currently acquired horticulturist passion. We even visited some friends whose dwellings we're along the way. It was fun-filled and truly exhilarating. The lazy day ended with a promise to the same some time.

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